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	Feeling confident that I've aced my endocrinology exam, I reach into my pocket for my phone

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Feeling confident that I've aced my endocrinology exam, I reach into my pocket for my phone. I dial Aubrey's number and we make plans to meet outside of the National Gallery. Our newest ridiculous photoshoot is entitled "Works of Art" and we're all meant to pose in front of famous paintings. I wonder what getups we will have to squeeze into this time.

I'm only waiting outside for five minutes before I see a blur of fiery red hair and hear the clanking of six inch stilettos on the pavement. I can still barely see three feet in front of me since I had no time to return to my apartment before the shoot. I took out the contacts from last night a little while ago and it's been unbearable to have to blink twenty times in a row to clear the fog of my vision.

"Oh my god, is that his shirt?" Of course the first words out of her mouth are about my endeavors from fourteen hours ago. She walks towards me and stops just inches away, pinching the end of the sleeve between her index and thumb.

"Yeah, and the pants are from him too."

She eyes me up and down, lingering on the denim. She bends down slightly to scrutinize it further. "What?"

Shit, I can't believe I just admitted that out loud. I'm not in any mood to explain to her why I will never be seeing him again especially when she can so easily influence me to do otherwise.

"He whores around so much that he keeps women clothes in his house."

"Okay? So what? You're not going to marry the guy, you're just using him to have a little fun." And here we go with the influencing.

I mean, I guess she does have a point. The only reason I went over there in the first place was because I figured this was going to be some kind of friends with benefits thing. Actually we're not even friends so I guess just a benefits thing? Oh jeez, I am not cut out for this at all; I've never done something like this before in my life. I've always had a boyfriend or I was just by myself and that was it, no in between.

"I don't know," I sighed.

She nudged my elbow and screeched, "Come on, you need something different right now; don't think that I haven't noticed you slumping around lately. This could be great for you Noelle, besides just think of the publicity!"

I cringed at the thought of my picture being taken unwarranted and placed at the center of those trashy magazines. If I was going to keep seeing Harry like this, it would have to be extremely low key. I have no time to be caught up in his dramatic life in the tabloids or to be potentially stalked. "Aubrey I want nothing to do with the publicity," I say matter-of-factly.

She brushed past me as she began strolling inside of the gallery. I followed behind her as she encouraged, "Just think about it. A little publicity definitely never killed anybody."


The next week and a half passes by uneventfully as I'm consumed with studying my brains out for my last exams before summer break. It's not until I exit my last class that I really take a deep breath of fresh air, finally feeling as though a weight has been lifted off my back. Now that I have the next couple of months to just focus on making money I feel a lot less overwhelmed by my impending debts. 

My bills are a few days past due and I know that it's only a matter of time until the electricity is completely cut off. I text Aubrey a quick note about setting up as many photoshoots as she possibly can for us in the upcoming week.

Before I can finish composing the text, my screen is cut off with a call from my brother. I quickly answer, "Hey loser, whats up?"

"Ellie, it's official I'll be in London with you next Friday!" The emotion in his tone is booming through the phone and I can't help but to smile at his words.

"Wow already? I'm so excited! Have you started looking for jobs yet then?" I inquire, hoping that he says yes. As much as I wish I could, I know there is no way that I will be able to support him fully. I'm not even sure as to how I'm going to be able to get the utilities payments on time with the way he binge watches ESPN.

"Some here and there but I don't think I'll be able to get anything solid until I arrive," the previous excitement wavers from his voice. As much as I want him to be here with me, I feel anxiety course through my bones. Maybe in my spare time I can aid him with his job search.

"I'm glad you gave me a week's notice, I'll clear out the living room for you and your stuff. I can't wait to see you!" I squeal.

"Same here, sis. It's been too damn long." A pang of sadness hits me and I couldn't agree with him more. The last time I saw him in the flesh was when I was leaving him nearly two years ago. I wonder what he looks like now, how his face and build has matured.

I can tell that he's getting ready to hang up so before he does, I interject, "Um, tell mom I said hi . . . I guess."

"She's blacked out right now but when she wakes up screaming later I'll let her know. I'll text you." He haughtily hangs up the phone at the mention of our mother.

He is so thrilled to be leaving her but I feel somewhat guilty. With Jaxon coming here, that makes three people in her life that will be abandoning her. I know that she is slightly functioning, she manages to keep her web design company afloat from home online but still. 

She has next to no social interaction besides with the barmaid who fills her drink one after the other. Even though she brought it upon herself, a part of me thinks that she can't help it. Alcoholism is a disease in its own way, and she needs to be helped. 

I fear that with Jax officially out of the house, she will fall into an even deeper hole and then none of us will be able to bring her up again.

And what will happen then?

Before I can worry even more than I already have, my phone is ringing again. Hopeful that it's Aubrey with a few photoshoot information, I answer without even checking the caller ID.

"You answered fast, eager to hear from me?" A musky, deep voice enchants my ears. Harry.

"No, I thought you were somebody else," I admit.

A laugh that sounds more like a hushed purr escapes on his end. "Where are you?"

I scoff. I haven't heard a single word for him in almost two weeks and he's just choosing to pop back up now? I go over all of the snooty comments that I can retort back to him when I look down. 

I'm wearing the shirt that he lent me again, his shirt. I haven't been able to do laundry with my busy study schedule so this morning as I was rushing I grabbed the first thing that I could find. 

Flashing memories of his bare body pressed up against mine as I moaned his name into his mouth overtakes me.

Within a second, I'm captive to his emerald orbs and pink lips ardently intruding my mind. Instantly I know that I want my flashback to become my reality once more. Before my courage dissipates I hear myself answering his question. "Walking up to my loft now."

"Perfect, I'll be right there." 

thanks so much for 1.4K reads, means soo much. love you allxxx

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