For: Living; From: Dead

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Hello, how was the world to you? Are you enjoying it? Was it amazing?

Let me share a secret. A secret that was long gone and forgotten. A secret that no one has ever dared to find. This secret, my friend, is a whole lot of a different story.

Have you ever wonder what's beneath the world? Or what's above the sky? Have you ever wonder what have been into someone's heart and maybe someone's mind?

See the world in a different angle. In a different view. In a different perspective. See the world as what you feel. See the world as you and me.


There's so much of a difference. Feel the world, with it's hatred and grief. With it's longing and loathing.


That is reality. Once you open your eyes and saw no butterflies, that, my dear friend, is the real world. The reality and all.

Sad. Cruel. Devastating. Lost.

Now see the people; walking, breathing, alive, but barely living.

The secret is already in front of you. Love? Such a lousy word, don't you ever believe that it's what makes the world round for the only thing that makes it true was hurt.

The world is hell, it is hell itself. And all of us were dead. Not because someone looks happy makes it true. Because not all you see is what it seems to be.

I am dead. And so was you. And eventually all of them will be too.

This is me as a dead human reaching out to the living. I want you to know that I have been fighting but still lose it.

I am warning you.

The world is a home for all that's left was hope. But once you get to meet hell, you'll be left with nothing to hold on.

This is for the living from the dead.

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