
36 3 0

F- Failure

I- Ignorant

N- Nothing

E- Embarrassment


Fine, is the most common white lie someone can tell.

She's fine

She's very very fine

You can never see the pain in her eyes,

Or the scars in her thighs

Because she's hiding everything in her smile.

But I'm telling you,

Look straight in her eyes

And you will see...

Her broken soul staring in the sky

Asking why?

'Why do this need to be that hard?'

Why do I need to be torn apart?'

She's been crying for so long

But no one ever notice her eyes in sour

All she just need is someone

Who will look straight in her eyes

And tell her 'I'm here, soon, everything's gonna be okay'

The pain in your heart will soon fade.

But no one asked

No one noticed

No one tell

And no one will ever do it.

Because she is hiding everything in her smiles.

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