"Who Are You?"

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Hey guys! This is my first time writing a story about anything that I actually put thought into so please don't hate me if I completely screw up. I'll try my best to avoid grammatical errors, but please let me know if there is anything I can fix/work on. I'll also take requests if you feel like leaving them! Thank you!


-Keith's POV-

It was an ordinary Sunday evening with me staring out my bedroom window that conveniently faced the sunset. I've always felt an attraction towards the blend of beautiful colors on uneventful evenings.

At least, it was uneventful until this day. On this day, I had received a voice message from an unknown number.

Unknown: "Hey, it's me. I was just wondering when we could meet again. I had fun last night with you and your friends. Call me back when you get this message. See ya later!


I knew this was probably a guy who was given a fake number, or just put in the number wrong by the deep, soothing tone in his voice. It was almost like listening to silk itself. I decided to text the guy to tell him that he had the wrong number. I got a reply almost instantly.

Unknown: What?! No way! You're joking right?

Me: No joke. The girl probably gave you a fake number.

Unknown: Then who is this? Are you a chick?

Me: No. you can delete my number now.

I put my phone face down on the side table next to my bed and gave the window one last glance. The sun had already gone down, revealing a dark purple sky decorated by tiny spots of cloud.

I got up and dragged my feet over to my bed and belly flopped down onto it, causing my pillows to jump off. I groaned as I climbed up the rest of the way, completely neglecting the fallen pillows and drifted to sleep.

I was pulled out of my comfortable sleep by an obnoxious ding coming from beside my head.

I turned my head lazily to see the source of the ding: my phone. Almost sitting up, I put my reading glasses on and picked up my phone.

I was surprised to see the same number that called me with a fake number now texting me about balloons.

Unknown: Do you ever wonder how people actually came to think about things like using helium to make balloons float, or even how to make balloons in general?

Me: Wtf? Why are you texting me?

Unknown: I couldn't sleep.

Me: So you decided to text a random stranger in the middle of the night about balloons?

Unknown: Actually, I wanted to see if I just put the number in wrong so I put it in again to see if Kaylee would answer instead of you.

Me: Ugh. I'm going back to bed.

After I carefully set my phone back down and removed my glasses, I turned over onto my side, my back to my phone.

I didn't get much sleep after that due to the constant dinging coming from my bedside table. I ignored it as much as I could and later fell back to sleep, imagining a song in my head to drowned out the noise.


I am so sorry for my horrible story telling, but to my defense, it is the middle of the night and this just came to my mind. You can hate me now T.T. Anyways, I know no one will read this but I will try to update this within a week. Thank you guys!!

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