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-Lance's POV-

He had been waiting for over an hour now since Keith had last texted him. Maybe he's sleeping? Who in their right mind would go to sleep at 8:30?!

Lance was sitting on his bed, scrolling through his friends Instagram posts which mostly contained pictures of weird gadgets from Pidge, delicious sweets from Hunk, and new hairstyles from Allura. Lance used to have a crush on Allura, but now, he no longer finds any interest in flirting with any girl ever since he started texting with Keith.

He hadn't eaten anything for a while so Lance decided to get up to get food, abandoning his phone on his night stand. Lance's stomach growled at him and he growled back as he wandered into the kitchen, grabbing a packet of ramen noodles and a bowl. Lance didn't feel like waiting for water to boil so he put the noodles and some water into the bowl and practically threw it into the microwave, setting it to four minutes and walking to the living room.

Once he landed on the couch, face first, he started thinking about Keith. It was hard for him not to think about Keith ever since Lance
had realized his feelings, even just a little bit.

Keith was still oblivious but Lance understood that he had some sort of romantic feelings for Keith. It surprised him at first but, as he thought about it more, it made sense. He stopped caring about girls and his appearance and started caring more about what Keith thought of him. What Keith does in his free time. Before he knew it, his entire world revolved around this one, amazing boy that he is slowly starting to realize he loves.

Lance is startled by the quiet ding from the other room and groaned loudly as he stood to get his ramen noodles.

-Keith's POV-

His hair is in a very messy ponytail as he diligently works on his bike, making a few tweaks so it will work better. If it even does work. Stop it! No negative thoughts!! It will work! Keith then smiles to himself as he thinks, I wonder how Lance will react when I tell him it's done. I bet he'll say "No way!!" Or "Let me see!" Or "That's awesome, Keef!" I still don't understand where that nickname came from. It's annoying as hell but he won't stop using it even though I tell him not to.

Keith, being his insanely oblivious self, doesn't realize just how much he is thinking about the other boy as he subconsciously finishes working on his bike.

He stands up to admire his work but is interrupted as his stomach makes a low rumbling noise, signaling that he should probably eat to gain more energy, since he spent it all on his bike.

Keith closes the garage door and turns off the light before walking on the narrow path to his front door. I guess I should text Lance back. I did kind of ignore him earlier...

Sorry!! Nothing really happened in this chapter and I haven't updated in a while!! Thank you guys for reading!! Ilysm!!!! Anyways, I'm goin on a cruise in November for a week and I'm lazy so I might not update until December or earlier if I decide not to be lazy this month. My dog has feeling back in her legs for all of you guys who were wondering so yay!!!

Word count: 585

Have a great day, my Dorks!

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