Final A/N

289 7 4

Alright peeps

So, I think the last chapter ended pretty nicely so I'm thinking of ending it there. I know there are a lot of topics I never went over and a lot of promises I left unkept, and I'm sorry. I am a college student taking a very tiring English class and writing just hasn't been very enticing to me for a while now.

I received some direct messages from some individuals that are interested in me/my opinions as a writer, which is insane to me lol! I'm not sure why they have chosen me of all people, especially seeing as I was just writing an idea that just randomly popped into my head one day and just went with it.

I never really had a plan for this story and I never expected it to get as many viewers as it did. Again, insane!!!

We ended with 47.2k views and 1.75k votes total! That's absolutely insane to me!!

Thank you so much to those of you that have read my story, whether you were here from the beginning or you just randomly found it after it was all over. You guys are amazing and I love you all ❤️

Again, thank you so much! I can't get over how much all of your guys' comments and views and votes have changed my outlook on life.

This is Yuzuki Rika signing out
Lol, see ya later guys

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