letting it out

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I had come to notice how on edge Shawn was lately. Almost anything could tick him off. For instance last week, I found him angrily mumbling over dropping his cereal spoon. I had never seen him so worked up over anything as long as we'd been together. At first, I figured tour prep was the stressor, but, as time went on, he wasn't getting any better.

As I walked into our shared kitchen to fix dinner, I saw Shawn with his back towards me.

"Hey, Shawn. What do you want for dinner?" I asked.

He turned around with a nasty glare and pointed to his phone in his hand that I didn't see when I walked in.

I decided on spaghetti and began to prepare to make the dish. I plugged some earphones in, since he was now talking to somebody, to listen to music while I cooked. As I gathered all the ingredients and started making it, I found myself quietly humming to the music.

"Excuse me for a second," Shawn said as he covered up the mic on his phone, "Could you shut up? I'm freaking trying to talk on the phone!"

I couldn't believe how rude he was being. I finished up the spaghetti as he got off the phone. I turned the stove off and went up to our room before he could say anything. I was so sick of how annoyed he was all the time. I tried my best to stay patient with him, but this was truly getting frustrating on my end.

I sat down on our bed for a few minutes, taking everything in. I wasn't sure what to do. I was scared anything I would say would have him pitching a fit. After a while, I decided that I was too hungry to stay up here just because of Shawn's attitude. I went downstairs back to the kitchen to fix a bowl of spaghetti, but I stopped when I peeked into the living room. Shawn was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands, shaking. No matter how much he angered me, it broke my heart to see him upset. I walked into the living room and stood in front of him.

"Shawn," I softly called.

Shawn quickly glanced up with red, puffy eyes before placing them back in my hands. I made a bold move and sat next to him, placing a hand on his back.

"Come lay back with me," I said, gently tugging on one his arms.

Surprisingly, he didn't hesitate to pull up. He quickly wrapped his arms around my waist and stuck his head in my neck. I was slightly shocked, but I kissed his head and began to run my fingers through his hair. I felt several tears transfer from his face to my neck, and even more trickling down as time went on.

"I'm really worried about you, you know. You haven't been acting like yourself the past few weeks, and I don't know what's wrong. It'd be so much easier to talk about it instead of letting it build up. You can tell me anything. I'm here, honey," I comforted him.

I felt him sniffle and breathe heavily as I talked.

"Deep breaths. Relax," I cooed.

"I'm so sorry. I'm such a jerk. I feel so stupid," he spoke between breaths.

"I know you don't mean to, and you aren't stupid. It's ok that you're crying in front of me. You're upset, and there's nothing wrong with showing it," I said.

"Nothing's going right," he cried. I continued to stroke his hair as he started to calm down.
"The entire tour planning is a disaster. My management can't seem to find any qualified people to be on my crew. The place we usually rent my buses from is a load of crap. I can't write a good song to save my life. I can't seem to concentrate in rehearsals, and I keep loosing my voice. It seems I can't go two hours without getting a call about something going wrong with somebody. Some elderly lady almost ran me over today. My mom hasn't answered my calls in like ten days, and the cherry on top is that I can't even have a nice dinner with you because I'm a problematic pain in the butt."

"Doesn't that feel nice to let out?" I asked. I felt him nod his head.
"So, I have a plan."

"Oh, no," he mumbled.

I swatted his head lightly which caused him to chuckle.

"First, we're going to eat dinner because I'm starving. After that, I will call your mom, since she loves me, and see what happened. Then, I'm going to book us a flight, and we're going on a much needed vacation. I'll keep my phone for emergencies, and we'll turn your phone off and have a freaking amazing time. I'm sure your management can deal without you for a few days," I said.

"I'd absolutely love to getaway with you. I'm really sorry about the past couple of weeks. I never meant to take all my anger home," he apologized, lifting his head out of my neck.

"It's ok, but please talk to me about it next time. I hate seeing you this upset and having no idea what to do about it," I said.

"I just feel like a bother, you know? I don't want to come off as whiny or problematic," he admitted.

"It's not like it would be all we would talk about. Sometimes, you just have a bad day and need to get stuff off your chest, and I'm here to listen whenever you need me, alright?" I asked.

"Ok," he smiled and kissed my cheek, "I love you so much, sweetheart. Thank you for this. It's so nice to have somebody to talk to." He placed one of his hands on mine and soothingly rubbed his thumb over my knuckles.

"I love you, Shawn, and it's no problem," I replied.

Shawn got up from the couch and put both of his hands out for me. I grabbed a hold of them and got up. I kept a hold on one of his hands as we went into the kitchen.

"So, what's this I hear about almost getting ran over by an old woman?" I asked.

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