The Fairy Palace

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When the rainbow magic disappeared Lyra glanced up at the building in front of her then looked at Leah.
"The palace is beautiful but who does it belong to?" Lyra questioned Leah.

The little fairy did a looped-de-loop then answered. "The queen of the realm, she's inside waiting for us so we better hurry inside." Leah flew ahead then Lyra followed.

The two girls reached the throne room and saw a majestic woman sitting on the throne.
"Welcome back Leah and I see you brought the soon to be savior of this land, I am Amelia queen of the Secret Realm and you are Lyra correct our Royal wizard told me about you."

Lyra looked at the mystery boy, the boy had dark hair and hazel eyes he looked at Lyra and eventually said something.
"I'm Jude, I'm a wizard and I also will help you in your quest to protect this land."

Lyra's heart skipped a beat when she heard his voice.
"Well Lyra nothing  is happening at the moment so Leah here would take you home and I can't wait till our next meeting."

"Nice meeting you too Lyra I hope I get to see you again soon." Leah said excited then chanted a spell.
Magical glitter swirled around Lyra then Lyra suddenly found herself in her room again. She thought it was a dream but she saw the necklace sitting on her rug.

"So it wasn't a dream then."

The Secret Realm: Fairy PalaceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz