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Alright, despite the rather ambiguous heading, this chapter is actually about one of the most important aspects of creating a successful story on wattpad: readers.

And before I get attacked by crazy writers telling me 'writing isn't only about getting votes' I get it, a lot of people here write because they love writing, not because they want fame. I myself have written a lot of books (none of which are still published) simply because I loved them. But regardless, readers are an essential part of this website, and votes and comments can really help bolster confidence and commitment to writing. with that in mind, there are a few simple tricks that can help you attract attention to your story.


I can't stress this enough, if your title is original and catchy then readers at way more likely to choose your story over another. Your title, after all, is the first line of difference between you and other books, so it's crucial that yours stands out for all the right reasons.

Titles like 'Forbidden Love' or 'The Other Skywalker' are everywhere in this fandom, so try coming up with something vague, yet intriguing. Song titles, if they suit your story, are generally an easy way to come up with original titles. if that's not your style, greek words are popular as titles. or you could always pick a core theme from your story and centre your title around that.


Against the advice of the popular phrase, people do judge a book by its cover. And believe it or not, getting a cover that is appealing and suits your story isn't that hard.

A big no when it comes to covers are disproportionate screencap, red text and curly fonts. Screencaps are okay, but it's important that they're sized correctly so that it's not to complicated/confusing. Coloured text is also always dangerous, because depending on the background colour it can be hard to read or unappealing. Also, having one clear, simple font that's easy to read is really important.

depending on your style, your cover can be elaborate and colourful, it can be like a movie poster, it can be a manip cover, or it can be simple and aesthetic. you have a million choices!

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If you want to make your own covers, then there's heaps of simple apps you can use with tons of tutorials on wattpad to help you. Apps like superimpose, picsart and phonto are personal favourites of mine. Or, if you don't have the time, then there are heaps of amazing cover and graphic stores who'd be more than happy to help you out.

use this line to comment some of your fav graphic shops/lottos that you recommend to those searching!! but be sure to remember to adhere to the author's rules!

My final tip to you is to put yourself out there, if that wasn't obvious from the heading. If you are active within the fandom, by reading, voting and commenting on others stories, then they'll more than likely check yours out too. But if you sit there, without any stories in your reading list and you never vote on anyone else's book, then it's likely nobody will even visit your account, and your book won't get discovered. Entering into contests and book reviews are also a good way to get your story recognised.

swcommunity hosts contests and does book reviews every now and again so be on the look out for those !

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