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Hello, humans! I'm Olive, the current cat of Olivia Janet! You can find her at OliviaJWrites. Of course, we'll always miss Pepper_the_cat, Olivia's previous cat. From what I heard, he was pretty great. Wish I could have met him.

But he'll always be remembered. 

And, of course, with the help you humans and animals out there, he definitely will! 

See, on behalf of Pepper, Olivia wanted to create a memorial for him. With the help of you guys! Let's continue Pepper's legacy and create more animal profiles! So go ahead, make your pet a profile, and list Pepper_the_cat as your inspiration! We shall take this website by storm!

I already have these friends who have joined in on our quest as well:




Join us! We will triumph as...well...what should we name our group? Any suggestions?

Anyway, what you all came for. This is going to be my diary to keep my adventures. You can watch me grow into a healthy, prosperous cat!

To begin this book, we shall start off with...my adoption story!

Sunday, June 25th

It was cold, very cold. 

The rain poured at my tiny paws, soaking them to the skin. I shivered uncontrollably. Loud rushes of wind and sounds screamed in my ears. The acrid stench of the road was unbearable. I just wanted away, but there was nowhere else to go.

After days of the same old same old, I was ready to give up. No food. No water. Nothing to nourish my tiny body. I closed my hazel eyes. It was time to let go. 

However, just as I feel myself drifting away, another sensation comes. The feeling of being lifted up, up, up...


I awake in a place so completely different from when I fell asleep, it startled me. It's warm, for a start. The scent of many cats flood my nostrils. And the scent of...HUMANS?!

I leap to my feet and let out a shrill, high-pitched wail. Well, I try to, at least. My throat is parched and all that comes out is a gritting mew. The human suddenly grabs me by the scruff. I try to wriggle free but her grip is too strong. She places me in her lap and I let out a hiss of frustration. 

Looking up, I see that the human is like a typical human. Tall, slender, bright blonde fur around an ugly, pink, hairless face. Freakishly huge in comparison to me. 

"GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!" I screech as loud as I can. I rear up and try to escape the human, but again, it fails.

Other cats in the room turn to me. One of them, perched on a desk of some sort, snickers, "Honey, once you're here, you ain't leavin'. Get used to it." The tortoiseshell stretches out her front paws and lets out a large, gaping yawn. Curious and mocking glances are thrown to me from the other cats.

"W-where am I?" I stammer.

A tuxedo rolls his eyes. "You're in Hobo Hotel for Cats." At my look of confusion, he sighs in exasperation. "It's a cat shelter. You're stuck here."

"No!" I cry, horrified. I was going to be stuck in a cat shelter, sitting around for the rest of my life? I couldn't let that happen. Once again, I try to struggle my way out from the human. But she doesn't release. My stomach growls furiously but I am too upset to think about food.

Diary of Olive the Cat!Where stories live. Discover now