The First Tour - Olive

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Tuesday, July 8th, 2017

I remember my tour around the human's area well.

From the moment I stepped from that cage, the crisp summer grass crunching beneath my paws, I knew I was home. I hear the sound of the humans cooing around me, encouraging me to explore.

The place appears to be fenced in, so, consequently, I can't go very far. But I pace around on my wobbly paws. My belly feels heavy beneath me. I must have eaten almost double my body weight. 

A large hand reaches out to stroke me. I pull away, repulsed, but the human touches me anyway. I look up at it. It's the large human with the dark brown fur on her head. "Please don't touch me," I mew. She doesn't listen. "Please, please, leave me alone." She still rubs her fingers under my flea-bitten ear

"Alright, that's it, I'm out." I dart away from her.

I can still smell the moisture in the air from the rains earlier as I flee. The ground below me is marshy, and murky water squishes under my pads. 

But, I concede, It's still a lot better than the highway.

A bird squawks above me. I glance up. A large oak tree lays in the center of the yard and a nest of sparrows lies in it. Instinctively, I rear back on my scrawny haunches and bolt up the tree.

I fall.

The tree is so tall, that halfway up, my paws slip and I come barreling towards the ground. Leaf litter is thrown everywhere and my fur is stained with mud. 

And as if things couldn't get any worse, the big human with dark hair comes running over.

"Don't you dare pick me up again!" I shout. I jump to my paws and run away again.

Soon I am met with a large, red human contraption. It's long, red, and has two seat looking things at the edges. I place my paw on it. It doesn't budge. Useless. 

However, the human follows me. "You see the seesaw? Wanna ride?" She says in that ridiculous humanspeak. 

Once again, I run away.

But suddenly, my back feels cold. I crane my neck around to see droplets of water cascading down my fur. Glancing up, I realize it's raining again. I need to find shelter.

I analyze my surroundings. Where would be the safest place to stay? At the corner of my eye, I spot a covered area, with a metal roof and cement floor. That looks secure. I run as fast as I can to hide under the roof.

But I guess I didn't anticipate that the humans would want to get out of the rain as well. They came pouring into the shelter with me, and this time, there appeared to be four more humans as well!

The human that brought me here from the Hobo Hotel looks down at me. "Hey, little buddy! We brought some neighbors over to meet you! Meet Allison and Andy!" Two young, wide eyed humans try to reach for me.

"Aah! Just go away!" I screech. The fur rises on my back and I retreat to the farthest corner of the shelter. 

The humans leave me be after that. I lie in the corner, gasping to catch my breath. What a day it's been. From the highway to Hobo Hotel to this place, being chased around by humans. But now I am safe. Now I am-

Suddenly, a foul scent floods my nose. My stomach lurches. Dog!

And my senses are correct. A medium sized, extremely fluffy, brown and white dog comes trampling into the shelter, obviously fleeing the rain. 

The dog's panting, clearly exhausted. She must have run a long way. "Alright, alright, I'm back, humans, I'm alive, don't mind me, the rain didn't hurt this time." She leans over to scratch her ear for a bit, but suddenly she freezes. "Is I smell?"

For a moment I can't breathe. Dogs are sworn enemies of cats. Especially kittens my size. I'm in trouble now. Don't move, don't move, don't move, don't move...

But it's all in vain. The dog tracks my scent and follows me to the corner I am hiding in. "CAT!" She barks, "YOU GOT ANOTHER CAT, OLIVIA?! BUT JAKE NEXT DOOR JUST GOT RID OF THE LAST ONE! YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!"

I hiss. "Get away! Don't hurt me! Please!" I lash out with my dull, unsharpened claws. The dog doesn't even flinch, she just looms closer and closer. 

"Maggie!" I hear the sharp yowl of the human call to the dog. The large, dark haired one grabs the dog by the collar and yanks her away from me. My fur flattens with relief.

Then, the human leans to pick me up again. I think about scratching her, but I shove the thought away. This time, I don't mind. 

"Thank you," I purr in her ear. Maybe these humans aren't so bad after all.


Hi, humans! It's Olive! I'm back, and I'm going to be filling this book with tons of stories for you all to hear!

And, I would also like to make an announcement!

I have a new friend, Storm! He is going to be joining me on this account! Our new name will be Olive_and_Storm as opposed to OliveTheBlackCat! He'll be posting some of his adventures soon! But I warn you, he's an...interesting character.

Hope you enjoyed this story!!! I shall be posting more soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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