Chapter 1

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Diamond and Destiny Clarke twins daughters^^

Clarke pov

I woke up from someone sitting on me. I open up my eyes and see my daughter looking at me with a big smile on her face and I couldn't help but smile back. I sit up and she moves on the other side of the bed.

Why you up so early princess and where is your sister at, I say getting off the bed and turning to face her. She smiles and it's so cute.

She in the kitchen with auntie Octavia and auntie Raven helping making breakfast.

Well you young lady better go in help them before they eat it all

Okie mommy

Before I got the chance to tell her not to run in the house Destiny ran out the room. I just shake my head and laughed. I walked out and into the kitchen and see everybody at the table eating there breakfast. I walk in the kitchen and grab my food sat next to my other daughter Diamond.

About time you woke up we thought you was died for a second, say Raven who is now standing up and washing her dish.

I laughed

And If I was you will be the first person I'm going to come after" I say

I'm so hurt Griffin that you will do that" she said getting up and putting her dish in the sink

Why am I'm even friends with you two" said Octavia drinking her water

Because you love us " me and Raven said at the same time then laughed our ass off

Mommy I'm finish" the twins said laughing because they said it at the same. I couldn't help but smile at my angles there so cute.

Ok you two let's get you dressed for school" Octavia said picking up Diamond and running off to the there room and Destiny hope on Raven back and ran after them trying to be the first ones in the girls room. I got up and but the girl dishes in the sink and walked off towards my room. I got in my room and went to my closet and pulled out my work clothes and sat them down on the bed and went in the shower. I got out the shower and put on my work clothes. I did my hair and makeup and then walked out my room to find the twins putting on their bookbags.

You girls look so pretty" I say kissing both of there cheeks. They both laugh and run off somewhere. Raven and Octavia come from the back dressed in there work clothes. Octavia owns two gyms, her gyms are popular a lot of famous people go to her gyms. Raven own her own mechanic business. And both of them are my best friends and I'm so happy to have them. And for me I own my own designer company I own an art gallery. Oh and I'm a mother of 2 twins girls Diamond and Destiny and there my everything.

We all walk out the huge house and walk to our cars.

Clarke's car

Clarke's car

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Ravens car

Octavia car

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Octavia car

The twins ran to the car and got in

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The twins ran to the car and got in. I said bye to Raven and Octavia and pull out the driveway.
Ok guys this is my new book I hope u guys like it. And if u guys have any questions that will be great. Plz comment 💖That will be great to.

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