Chapter 3

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                       Clarke pov

After I drop off the kids at school I went to my office. When I got there I was greeted by Haper.

Hi Harper any meeting today" I ask walking to the elevator with Harper behind me.

Nope but Octavia called she want you to come down to the gym" Harper said walking on the elevator with the tablet in her hand.

Did she say way she want me to come down to the gym and want time" I ask pressing the top floor and turning around to face Harper.

She said she wants to show you someone she likes oh and she said Raven will be there and she said on your lunch break" Harper said looking at me smiling. I smiled back at her and step out the elevator. I step in my office and sat down.

Clarke the new color you wanted for the new design came let me go get it" says Harper getting up from the chair in front of my desk and walking out. 20min later she came back with my new colors and sat them down on the table on the other side of the room and walked out. I walked over to them looking at them. I start to draw new designs for my new fashion show coming this winter after about five hours I pulled my eyes away from my drawing book and sat back on the couch in my office I looked at my clock on my office wall. I got up and grabbed my jacket and left the building and got in my car and drive to Octavia gym that was like 20min away from my building. When I got the gym I looked my self over to see was I ok to go in. I had on a red dress with a open back that huge my curves just right with black heels on (picture up top^^). I step out the car and walked in the gym and looked around to see if I see Octavia anywhere and that's when I spotted her talking with some girl. I walked to her hearing whistles from the boys and girls at the gym and I just smiled and kept walking to her. She saw me coming towards her and stop talking to the girl and turned to me and smiled.

Hi Clarke to you long even to get here, want took you so long anyway" said Octavia crossing her arms over her chest with a smile. I just laughed at her.

Sorry O I got caught up at the office" I say smiling at her. I looked up at the girl that was looking at me. She was pretty with her brown hair and beautiful green eyes that I can get lost in so quickly. I looked back at Octavia braking eye contact with the green eye beauty.

I guess it's ok, oh yea sorry lexa,  lexa this is Clarke my best friend, Clarke this lexa one of my other friends so are we meeting Raven here or the place we having lunch at" Octavia said looking at me and I said Raven is going to meet up with us at the place.

Ok let me grab my bag and then we can go" she said running off towards her office grabbing her things. I stood there then turned around to find the girl checking me out and I smiled.

See something you like, I said with a smirk on my face facing her. After She got done checking me out she looked at me and smirked back at me. And I couldn't help but look at her lips her pink pump lips I looked back at her eyes then smiled. Octavia came back after a few minutes and said she was ready to go. So I turned away from lexa and walked out the gym with Octavia right by me. We meet up with Raven at the cafe and had lunch. A hour later Octavia went back to the gym and me and Raven decided to go home put first we picked up the twins from school and went to get some ice cream then went home.

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