Chapter 3~Breaking

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(At the hospital- Malachite General) 

I can't believe this is actually happening to me. I am in the hospital, with a cast on my left foot, bruises, stitches and bandages all over my body. I couldn't even remember what happened to me and how I got there...

--Earlier that day--

Abbie's P.O.V

After rolling out of bed, on a Saturday, I decided to get stuff done. I am a model and have done small photoshoots and had another one today... ughhh I hate getting up early (at like 10 a.m😑😑). Its been about 2 days since Vivian and Kade broke up. Honestly, I could care less about that bitch. She is just so annoying. I was just upset for Kade. I mean, he was my best friend.... and he lost his girlfriend because I hugged him. I just feel really bad. After my bath, I walked into my walk-in-closet and pulled out an outfit I had picked late last night. I changed into my burgundy velvet shorts, white crop top and army jacket. I also slipped on a few bangles and my teal Adidas.(#attentiontodetail😂😂)

I grabbed my grey AudiR8's key, hugged my mom and walked out the door with my phone in my hand. I thought of going to Starbucks to help me stay alive but went against that as I realized I needed to be at my photoshoot in 5 minutes.

I was speeding down the highway when I was faced by the VERY common LA traffic, when I realized that my brakes weren't working. My car only seemed to be speeding up more and more. 

After that everything was a blur. I think I hit another car or something but I only remember waking up at the hospital. When I woke up, I saw my mother and my friends all surrounding me, and I smiled at them all to remind them that I was okay. then I noticed that Erika was not there. Kade must seen my expression because he said

"If you're looking for Erica, she went downstairs to get food."

I laughed to myself, remembering Erica's habit of always being hungry. I asked the doctor there if I could sit up a little and he silently nodded. After my bed was lifted up, I looked up at my mother, who immediately came over to hug me. Then I was told of the damage done to my body.   I had broken my left leg and had broken 2 vertebrae. 

I took a good look at everyone staring at me. That was before I was hit with a million questions.

"Everybody! Please!! I know you're worried but can you go one at a time?!?!"

My mum asked

"What happened, sweetie?"

"Well, I was going down the highway, under the speed limit if thats what you're asking, and I saw a little traffic ahead so I wanted to slow down. But my brake pedal didn't work and my car just seemed to go faster and faster... I don't remember what happened after that."

Then the doctor cut in

"She hit 2 cars in front of her and the steering wheel seemed to be loose. It fell off, but sadly, being so heavy, it crushed her leg, thus the broken leg. Because of the sudden crash, her neck jerked forward and she broke 2 vertebrae. Other cars saw the crash and immediately called 991. That is when our paramedics were called and green corridors were made so that the ambulance and police could get through quickly. Your lucky, miss, it could have way more serious if you would have gone any faster."

I thanked my lucky stars to not only be alive, but not in much pain.

Kade: Are you okay, Abbie?

Abbie: No Kade, I'm absolutely fine. In fact, I'm gonna go bake some cookies now.

Everyone laughed in relief.

Kade: No, seriously...

Abbie: I'm fine.

Kade: So where are my cookies???

As if on cue, Erika walks in and says


Everyone cracked up again.

Erica: What? Whats so funny??

Kade: Nothin!

Conversation was light after that and soon my mother left as she had some important things to do.

"So, Abbie,"

Anthony said as his intense blue eyes fixed on me.

"Tell me what really happened."

I sighed. Knowing that there was nothing I couldn't hide from them.

Thank you for reading!!! I'm not going to write much, I'm sorry... I have an important test to study for.... But thank you for reading!! And I will see you in the next chapter!!

                                                                                                                        xx Sav ❤️

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