From Harry James to Tonks & Lupin

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From Harry James Potter

To Nymphadora Tonks & Remus John Lupin

Written on a white ribbon around a bouquet of flowers placed on their graves.

Dear Tonks and Lupin,

I was looking through pictures from your funeral today. We celebrated your lives rather than mourning your deaths, like you always said we should. You were buried next to each other. In one picture, Teddy's in Ginny's arms because Andromeda had begun crying.

I only just realized but... Teddy's hair was pink, Tonks: pink for his mother. And before we left, he squirmed to be put down and I wouldn't deny him his chance to say goodbye: he went over to your graves and, Remus, I swear I heard him give a feeble sort of roar as a goodbye to you.

I'll never forget,


PS: Yes, Tonks, we made sure to leave "Nymphadora" off your tombstone. Your mother was a bit relucant at first but we convinced her.

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