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Chapter 15--Scarlet

I wake up to a burning pain in my side. I open my eyes when I hear my name. I see the band sitting by me, all of them staring. I instinctively reach for a knife, when I realize that Rob took my knives. I'll have to get them back later. Even though I'm safe here, I still need my weapons You never know when a guard or someone might find us, and a guard won't care if your injured, or don't have a weapon.

They will still kill you.

"Hey, would you all stop staring at me? Like, now."

They all look away, and I prefer that. I hate being center of attention. Usually, when I am, it could mean me being captured. I know that won't happen with the band, but if I'm in town and center of attention, there's a good chance I might get captured.

And I sure as Hell don't want that.

It won't do me any good in prison, and I can't help the town's people if I'm locked up. Sure, I could break out, but I would be stripped of anything to use to pick locks.

It's best to just not get caught.

Speaking of that cheerful topic, I need to ask Rob where the hell my knives are.

"Rob, where the hell are my knives?"

"Right here, Scar." He says as he hands me my belt of knives. I just nod to him, and glance down, glad to see he put my shirt back on me.

I sat up, and buckled on my belt, then got up, wincing as the stitches pulled. I feel like I've been dragged through a shit load of thorns. I slightly sway when I get up, wincing as the world spins for a moment. I slightly groan, when I feel the stitches pull at my side.

I just realized that I need to get to get Dave back on training. We only have 12 days until the castles hiring, and he needs to be ready by then. I know that Rob won't go, and I can't teach right now, so I decide to start him on the kattari with Much.

"Hey Much?" I call out.

"Yeah Scar?"

"Would you start with Dave with the kattari now?"

"Sure, anything else?"

"Well....I did start you with knives, maybe you could work with him a bit on that?"

"Sure. I'm not a pro like you are, but I'll try."

"Ok, and let me know how he does."

"Sure. Come on, Dave."

I watch as the two walk away, Dave with a knife holster awkwardly strapped to his hip.

"Oh, and boys?" I call out.

"Yeah Scar?"

"Let me know how it goes."

"Of course." They respond.

I yawn. Nothing to do. I'm not tired, and I can't train yet.

"Hey Rob?"

"Yeah Scar?"

"I'm bored."

"I know you are. But you need that side to heal up so you can go back to climbing trees and fighting."

"Yeah, I know all that. That doesn't mean I wanna do it."

Rob just groans. I can practically see him thinking this is going to be a long next few weeks.

And guess what?

He's right. The next couple weeks are going to be Hellish. Can't do nothing, and Dave goes to the castle in one week five days.

He's no where near ready.

I'm going to have the others work with him, since rob has me under cave arrest.

I would start him on archery, but I know that Rob won't do it today.

I just wish he realize I'm fine.

Or at least that I could convince him I was,

A/N Hey everyone! It's been a while. sorry the wait, I've gotten into a new story and I've had a crazy last few weeks. I know this chapter is horrible, but I'm going to out of town and don't want to make you wait any longer. here it is!


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