Skylox One Shot - # 14

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Enderlox's POV.
Hearing the door shut harshly behind me, I sighed with anger. I then trudged down the purpur steps, duffle bag over my shoulder, and my coat in hand.

The air that blew past me showed signs of purple specs and I rolled my eyes. Just as I thought today couldn't be any worse, the particle season had begun. I stretched my wings slightly and shivered. Then, I glanced up at the black abyss above me.

My feet sank a little once they reached the end stone land and I noticed the particles already beginning to collect. Cold wind blew around me, swirling purple particles in the air.

The endermen I passed as I walked bowed their heads before continuing their preparation. I looked at some of them, seeing as though they looked quite worried. But, I paid them no more of my mind when I saw a distant flash in the blackness, followed by a boom.

Entering the castle's rather large and extravagant doors, the guards shut them behind me. I sighed again once I felt the soothing warmth of the building. Having at least ten fire places scattered around, the castle was hardly ever cold in a single room. The perfectly organized vents circulated heat all over the castle.

One of my servants approached me and asked, "Your majesty, may I ask, how well did the meeting with the Shulker Princess go?" His formalness wasn't nessasary, but I didn't need correct him. "It went astonishingly well. Can't wait to visit her again," I said, keeping my tongue in check. I knew it was better to give him a false hope since he often worried about the future of the kingdom.

To just my knowledge, it went terribly. She acted like a stuck-up bitch, so I exclaimed that she was one. In return, she tried her seemingly best to insult me. I feel, after that, that I snuffed any response out of her besides a simple shove out the door.

I didn't care for her anyways. All the women in this place are unfitting of me. It's as though my soul craves something else. What that it is, I have no clue, but I now feel determined to find it. Besides, I only have so long to leave this retched dimension.

The thunder boomed loudly outside, being muffled by the castle's thick walls. My servant left my side after a few more questions and went off to the kitchen to receive the food the chefs had made. While he did so, I turned right and walked through a doorway. Stretching my arms, I flapped my wings and flew up through the middle of the winding staircase.

I easily reached the top, then continued my way to my bedroom. Upon arrival to said room, I sensed something. An non-Ender had step foot on the island. Really? This couldn't have happened on a different day? God damnit...

Groaning lightly with annoyance, I set my suitcase down outside of my door. Then, forcing my wings back into my shoulder blades for a minute, I slid the coat on and freed them again. I hated doing that, but it was the only way my clothes wouldn't be ripped.

Suddenly, I heard the shouts and screeches of Endermen. "Oh, come on!" I exclaimed and lifted my self quickly into the air, flying down past the stairs and to the main hall before bursting out of the doors.

I paused, hearing the giant doors shutting behind me. You've gotta be fuckin' kidding me, right? Standing there, a dumbass smirk on his face, Adam looked towards me as he severed an Enderman's head from its body. "Hey, sexy," Adam said as I glided down to him. Landing next to him, I glanced at the fading Enderman body before looking back at him. "This is how you tell me you're here? Killing my townsfolk?" I asked Adam as if I really cared what stupid shit he did anymore. "Maybe. So, why is it so fucking cold here? And, what's with these annoying as fuck particles!" Adam yelled as the purples glowing specs flew into his hair.

Snickering a little, I rolled my eyes and held out my hand. "These 'annoying as fuck' particles are the major sign of the arrival of a new era. My sister baby is about to hatch," I explained and Adam looked at me with confusion and uninterest. "You have a sister?" Adam asked me. Not answering him, I sighed and planted my face in my hand before shaking my head.

I changed the subject quickly, not liking the feeling of Adam now knowing a little too much at the moment. "Why are you here in the first place?" Adam then stepped closer to me and answered, his dumbass smirk returning, "To have some fun~" And, suddenly, Adam had grabbed me by the throat and slammed me against something hard.

Opening my eyes, I realized I wasn't in any place I was familiar with. It was green and luscious, were odd animals roamed. The OverWorld. I haven't been here in ages. And now, here I was, pinned to the soft grass by Adam. His golden glowing eyes stared into mine as his face neared my own.

Before I could speak, I witnessed Adam's eyes close and his lips press against mine. As he moved, I moved, trying my best to keep the lust, that had been prying at the door of my soul for days, inside. But, then Adam began to make it worse. He moved so fast and I didn't have a chance to stop him.

In minutes, Adam had already stripped me and him of our pants and boxers. Again, I failed to make myself stop him and Adam suddenly shoved his dick into me. I groaned out in pleasure, feeling no pain like last time. I didn't prepare for this, so I knew this was a point of almost no return.

(Sorry, not sorry. But, I'm skipping the smut....well most of it.)

Adam rammed into me and I gripped the grass tightly. I tried to get myself to warn him. I tried to fight off the list so I could gain my reasoning. But, I couldn't anymore. I was so close. And, oh god, I wanna cum. So close! Oh god, Adam! I screamed both in my head and out loud, instantly regretting my naiveness.

Oh shit. Adam came in me...

I stared up at the blue sky as I panted. Then, I felt his dick slide out of me and he redressed himself. I felt a sudden tingle inside of me and me entrance closed quickly. Adam laid next to me, smirking while I realized what was yet to come.

Rolling over onto my side, I looked at Adam with concern. "Adam..." I got his attention, "it was mating season..." I confessed, seeing shock form in his eyes.

- The End -

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