Skylox One Shot - # 19

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No One's POV.
"Seto, where are we going?" Ty asked as Seto tugged him along by his arm. "You'll see! Now let's go!" Seto told him, seeming excited and in a hurry. Ty stumbled behind him and nearly ran into Seto when he suddenly stopped.

In front of them, a small shop was bursting with colors. "Fabrication Station?" Ty read, then glanced at Seto in confusion. "Why are we going into a fabric store?" With a smile, Seto replied and tugged him through the open doors, "Because, if your gonna get Adam's attention, you need something original!" Ty's eyes widened slightly and he saw Seto quickly bring him up to the clerk.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The man asked, flipping his blonde bangs to the side. "Hi, um, may I see your display of feminine clothing styles?" Seto asked the clerk. "Feminine?! Seto, I'm not chick!" Ty objected. "Hush! I know what I'm doing," Seto said, having turned momentarily to silence Ty before returning his gaze back to the clerk.

The clerk, otherwise named Brice, from his obvious name tag, showed Seto a book of designs that had been sketched and labeled. "Hmm, skirts, gowns, dresses...ooh, how much for this one?" Seto pointed to a picture and Brice replied, "Eight gold. But, since you've been a returning costumer for over a year now, I'll add some lovely lace and ribbon free of charge," Brice said and smiled when Seto thanked him.

Ty stood there, confused as hell while Seto paid Brice. "Seto-" Ty tried to speak, "No, I don't wanna hear it! Tyler, this is a big deal. In order for this to end well, your going to need to do this," Seto said as Brice came from around the counter to begin measuring Ty. "But, how is this helping?! I'm not a girl! So, why can't I meet my parents the way I am?" Ty asked in confusion, allowing Brice to circle him. "Because, they won't allow Adam to wed you, unless you're their 'daughter'. And, I don't wish for my brother to kill himself trying to get to you," Seto was concerned now and gave Ty a look of warning, he feared the worst would come.

Brice finished writing down the measurements and went into a back room. Seto and Ty remained in front of the counter while they waited. "Will Adam even care enough to marry me?" Ty's question was sudden and made Seto pause for a moment. "Why would you ask that, Ty? Don't you ever say anything like that. Ever again," Seto's voice was now defensive. "Just because he's your brother doesn't mean you know how he truly feels. We could fall out of love at any moment," Ty stated, beginning to doubt the events yet to come.


With a terrified, shocked expression, Ty stared at Seto. "I know what my brother feels and I know he loves you! Now stop it, Tyler! Or, I swear in my father's name, I will tell him of how unfaithful you are thinking!" Ty clamped shut and looked at Seto with worry in his eyes. Seto let out a small sigh, then apologized before they waited silently.

Brice came back and brought out the fabrics for Seto to choose from. "Alright, and I'd like the dark violet ribbon and black lace to complement it," Seto said, in which Brice nodded and wrote it down on his notepad. "Sure thing! It'll be hour wait, so if you'd like to shop some more around the area, feel free!" Brice informed Seto cheerfully and Ty noticed something odd about how he talked to Seto. But, before he could ask Seto about it, Ty was being led out of the store and taken somewhere else.

- After receiving the dress -

"Thank you so much, Brice! I hope you have a great day!" Seto said and was handed the white box that withheld the dress Ty dreaded having to wear. "You too, Seto! Come back soon and I'll give your next order half off," Brice said, smiling brightly at Seto. Ty then paused, watching them then continue to chat for a few minutes. He saw Seto's cheeks were flushed a light pink and Brice seemed very friendly towards the sorcerer.

"Are you two dating?" Ty asked. The two men stopped talking and turned to him. Ty realized he spoke that out loud and stood there dumbly. He then saw that Seto had removed his gaze from Brice's direction and blushed a blotchy red. Brice stood behind the counter awkwardly and didn't speak. "Let's go, Ty. The party starts at eight, so we can't be late!" Seto suddenly spoke up, then rushed him and Ty out of the shop. "Hey, wait! Seto-" Seto ignored Brice's voice behind them and shoved Ty towards the entrance doors of the mall.

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