The Needle and Thread

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The Needle and Thread


"Honestly, Loki, just shut up!" Sif yelled. I stopped in my tracks. Thor looked back at me. I knew he didn't approve of Sif talking to me like that, even though he did it himself all the time.

"Sorry," I mumbled," I'll just leave."

"Good!" Sif exclaimed as she walked off with Thor. I felt a heavy weight on my chest as I turned around and slowly made my way down the quite hallway. I saw Sygin appear carrying a basket of what looked like threads and cloth.

"Hello Loki," Sigyn greeted with a smile.

"Hi," I replied while biting my lip. I looked down at the ground. Sigyn's smile turned into a frown when she noticed the upset expression on my face.

"What's wrong?" She asked. She reached a hand up and caressed the side of my face.

"Nothing," I tired to think of a quick excuse," I just-" I looked in the basket "-just ripped my cape."

"Oh, well would you like to borrow something to sew it up?" She pulled out a roll of green thread and a sliver needle.

"Sure," I took the materials in my hand and suddenly was struck with a wonderfully horrible idea.

"Would you like me to sew it?"

"No, no. I've got it," I faked a smile and thanked her. After we said our farewells I rushed off to my room. I made my way over to a huge mirror on the far side of my oversized room. I sighed as I stared at my reflection. Dark circles had been forming under my eyes ever since I learned how to read, due to that I read more then I sleep, but I talk more then I read.

My words were alway getting me into trouble. On a daily basis I had Sif, Thor, and Odin yelling at me to shut up. I could tell that along with them, many other people wanted to do the same. I pulled out the end of the green thread and placed it through the end of the needle. I was going to sew, but not through cloth. No, I was going to sew my mouth shut, and then everyone's wish will have come true.

I brought the point of the needle up to the outside of my bottom lip. I pulled out my lip with my free hand. Tears began to fall as I pushed the needle through hard. I felt my warm blood rush out as the thread went through my skin. I pushed the needle from the inside of my upper lip to the frontside.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed out in pain as I continued the process over and over until my chin and mouth were completely soaked in my thick, red blood. I snapped the end of the string when I was done and tried a secure knot so It wouldn't fall out. I dropped the bloody needle and green thread to the ground and stared at my reflection. Even though I deserved what I had done to myself, it hurt worse then anything I had ever happen to me.

"Loki, I wanted to know if you needed any help," Sigyn's voice rang into my room. I dropped my head and closed my eyes, so she couldn't see my face in the reflection.

"Loki?" She asked while placing a hand on my shoulder. I slowly turned my head around to her and opened my eyes to see she was completely horrified. "What have you done to yourself?!"

I shook my head unable to answer because of my stitches. Tears blurred my vision as she attempted to wipe the blood off my chin. She began to cry too and took my head in her hands. She stood up on her toes and placed a kiss right onto my closed mouth.

"Loki, I love you," she pulled away. Her mouth was completely covered in the red liquid. "Why would you do this?"

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