Chapter 1 : I love challenges

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On the first day of school I entered my classroom and as usual I was the first one there. I'm normally the first one in class because all the girls are inside the cafeteria drooling over stupid EXO while the boys are either late, outside playing sports, or being used by the EXO members. 

I sighed and sat down in the back row. 

I better not be in the same class as one of those jerks 

I opened my book to read and a few minutes later, the bell rang and screams of those annoying fangirls were heard everywhere. People started flooding into class. 

"Excuse me, you're in my seat" I looked up only to see the most annoying guy in the whole wide world, Chanyeol

*Or really? Does it have your name on it?* I thought but I didn't want to be involved with them so I stood and started walking towards the front. 

"Wait" he called "What's your name?" 

"None of your business" I said coldly and continued walking 

-Chanyeol's Point of View- 

All six of us stared at her with our eyes and mouth wide open. No one has ever talked to any of us like that before, especially not a girl... 

"Don't mind her Chanyeol-oppa she's always like that" Krystal, one of out fangirls said 

"Yeah she hates guys" her friend, Namjoo said. 

"What's her name?" Kai asked 

"I think it was Hana right?" Krystal looked at Namjoo. 

"Yeah" she nodded "Wu Hana or something" 

"Why does she hate guys?" Suho asked 

They shrugged "She doesn't really like talking to people so she doesn't have any friends. She's really mean and cold to everyone so you guys don't need to worry" 

"She seems challenging" I smirked 

Baekhyun laughed "Is she your new target?" 

"Don't play with girls" Dyo said "They should be treated kindly and not be played around" 

"Hyung you're the only one in our group who is loyal to girls" Sehun laughed. 

That's true. All of us have different girlfriends like every week or every other week at most but Dyo hyung has only dated his current girlfriend he doesn't even look at other girls. 

"Yeah how long have you guys been dating?" Kai asked 

"Four years" 

"Four years?!" All five of us screamed in surprise 

"That's impossible for me" Baekhyun shook his head, Sehun nodded. 

I stared at Hana who was quietly reading in her seat. 

*She's pretty... And different from all the other girls I've met* 

"Hyung you fall in love so easily" Dyo laughed as he poked my cheek

Kai nodded "I bet you already fell in love with her" 

"I'm gonna make her my girlfriend" I smiled confidentally 

"She seems like a hard one" Suho looked at her 

"I like challenges" 

"You'll get tired of her soon" Sehun smiled 

"I will not!" I aruged 

"You say that every single time" Baekhyun rolled his eyes 

My mouth opened to argue back but I realized that I do say that everytime.... 

"Well she's different okay?" 

"Okay" they laughed, not taking me seriously. 

*Rude children* I thought

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