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Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7514416/chapters/17080897

Where did we go ; by dearbuck

Platform: Ao3

Summary: At 1218 days, a dead body is found in the river, and Josh hates himself for feeling joy at realizing that it's not Tyler.

At 1295 days, two more bodies are found, both teenagers. Both Tyler's age, but neither Tyler.

At 1307 days, a fourth body is found, and Josh doesn't sleep that night. The identified body was not Tyler, but Josh wonders if one day it will be.

It's October 5th when Tyler is found. Alive. 1314 days, 187 weeks, 3 years. That's how long Tyler Joseph was in captivity.


I've got to say, in all my time in the fandom, I've never found another fic like this and that sucks. This story includes magic, bad guys, superpowers oh my lord it's pretty great. If you've got an evening to spare, definitely check story out... it's pretty lit

10/10 would recommend

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