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When Loki finds a de-aged Thor wandering alone on the battlefield, Loki takes the five year old child in and resolves to figure out how Thor was transformed and why...


The whimpering grows into sobbing and Loki waves the steam away with a sweep of his arm to reveal a blond haired boy wandering across the cracked pavement.

The child stumbles over Mjolnir and falls to the ground. Loki starts and not because the child is crying anew, but because Mjolnir shifted a small measure as the boy's weight leaned against it. The hammer moves for no one save for the God of Thunder himself.

"Thor?" Loki questions and before he becomes fully aware of what he's doing, Loki sweeps in, snatching the child into his arms.


I'm sorry I'm so weak for Thor-Loki bro fics like please

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