Chapter 1

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I know that I believed in heaven, and I hadn't done anything to terribly wrong in my life, unless you count forging my mom's signature once or twice. I knew I had a spot in heaven reserved for me, because my Grandma told me so.
After my world had gone black, I expected to wake up in a white space in front of huge, golden gates, but I didn't. I stayed right on that street, beside my friends as they cried over my cold, stiffening body. As the ambulance came, Hannah and Jonah were forced, screaming bloody murder, away from my side, where they fought their way back, causing chaos and confusion in the ranks of people gathered in a circle around my lifeless body. Guys in blueish-green uniforms ran with a big machine in their hands to the body lying on the road. Finally, Hannah and Jonah were forced away from my body and held still by some police men and women.
"Let us go! She needs us! She's hurt! She needs us! Farley! FARLEEEYYY!!!" Hannah wailed. Tears ran down her face like a waterfall and rain drenched her hair as her hood fell down off of her head. I turned back to the men in the uniforms as they shocked my body over and over again.
Jonah's horrified screams made me turn around.
"Stop it!! Stop it!! Stop, stop, stop!! You're hurting her! Somebody help her!! They're hurting her! Farley?! Farley, can you hear me!? Farley, answer me!! Farley!!" He paused in his screaming and whispered,"please... Help her... Farley..." He started to sob violently. I walked over to them and shoved the policemen and women off of them.
"Hey-" They shut up when they saw that Hannah and Jonah didn't push them. I felt tears well up in my eyes at seeing my friends hurting and they grabbed each other to stop themselves from falling. I wrapped my arms around their shoulders and they froze and looked me in the face. They rubbed their eyes and looked at me again.
"There's nothing there..." I froze up in shock. The tears that were in my eyes fell down my face, and mixed in the rain as I realized that my best friends couldn't see me. I reached my hand out to touch them, but flinched away. I took off running, away from them, away from the cold truth that I was invisible, nonexistent anymore.
Away from the only people who truly cared about me.

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