Chapter 3

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When we got to my house, I was ecstatic and couldn't believe what happened today. I told him my biggest secret and he told me his. We kissed and I felt fireworks. I literally felt like a schoolgirl kissing him. I loved it so much. My first kiss was a success and it was awesome. When we go to my door, we planned on going out Saturday and I told him to text me the details. We kissed again and I felt all giddy inside.

"What's got you all happy Saw-bear," Leila asked me. I just smiled more and couldn't answer her I was too excited.

"I had the best day today with Parker and he asked me out on Saturday," I told her. I was so excited about the second date and hope there are many more to come.

"Awww Saw, I'm so excited for you," Lei said.

"Ya I am really happy and hope that something will happen between us." I told her. I really liked this kid and I just met him yesterday. I didn't think this would happen. I hope that I won't be heartbroken after this.

"Well I'm happy for you. I also hope you find your soulmate and that Parker is that person," she told.

"Me too Lei. Anyway enough about me, how are you and Gabe," I asked her. Gabe is the boy that Leila has been seeing since junior year of high school. They have the best relationship.

"We are good and he's such a great boyfriend. He also said that he has a friend named Parker that he wants us to meet so we are going to go to breakfast with them tomorrow morning." Lei said to me. We both gasped.

"Do you think that Gabe's friend Parker is my friend," I told Leila. I didn't know for sure if it was but I guess we would find out tomorrow.

"I don't know but what if it is. And if it is then what if you date Parker and I'm dating Gabe. We can go on double dates," she said. I agreed and told her we will find out tomorrow morning. I went to my room to change in my pjs. My phone vibrated on my nightstand. I went to check who it is and then I saw it was Parker texting me. He texted me, telling me he had fun tonight.

Parker:"I had fun tonight and can't wait for Saturday."

Me:"I had fun tonight too. Can Saturday come any slower."

Parker:"I know right, it feels like Saturday is like tears away but it's only two days away."

Me:"I agree with you. I have to go but I'll talk to you tomorrow."

Parker:"Alright, talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight Sawyer."

Me:"Goodnight Parker."

After that I went into my bathroom and took my makeup off then washed my face. I went back to the kitchen and made sure the windows and doors were locked. I was walking past Leila's room, when I heard her talking to Gabe and I couldn't help but envy their relationship. I always wished I had a relationship like that. I went back to my room and got in bed.

When I laid down, I was thinking about the lunch thing with Gabe and his friend and wondered if Parker was the friend. I thought about what I would say to him if it was. Something felt good about Parker and I couldn't help but think that something will happen to us.


When I got to my apartment, I called out Gabe's name to see if he was in the house. He came out from the kitchen and asked me about Sawyer. I couldn't describe how I felt for her, I just liked everything about her.

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