Chapter 5

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~Two Months Later~

As the rest of June passed and July was over, it was August and it got a little chilly out. Since we lived in a place where it never snowed, it still stays hot but gets pretty cold. The August air was refreshing. It felt nice and cool but still a little humid out.

I loved not have to wake up really early in the morning now for school. I do wake up at 7 and have to be at my office by 8:30 because after that is when patients start to come.

As to my life, I still live with Leila. Parker does pick me up sometimes and I spend the night at his place because his place is closer to my work. Most times I feel like he wants to ask me something but he doesn't.

Leila and Gabe are still dating and I don't know why he hasn't put a ring on that finger. They have been dating for 6 years. Maybe he is still thinking about cause I know he asked he parents for permission, I just don't know what he's waiting for.

Parker and I have been dating 4 months now and it's the greatest. I know that after we graduated college, we had got jobs close to each other and I hoped I would've had bought and apartment but I didn't want to leave Leila all alone.

My office is medium sized at the building but I work on many different levels for being an OB/GYN. I have many patients but not a lot. Many come on at once but most come in every other day. I have off weekends and I work from 8:30 to 5 at night.

Leila works at the hair salon down the street and Gabe works at a business office a couple minutes away.

It is currently 4:30 and I go home usually at 5 but sometimes the patient I'm on takes a little while. I usually get off at 5 and then I will get home by 5:30 and start making dinner because then Leila gets home at around 5:45 so then dinner is usually done for her.

I told her I was going to Parker's these next couple days after work and that I would be home after Thursday. It is Monday and I'm on my way to Parker's apartment. I packed all the clothes and shoes and necessities I needed for the next couple of days.

Since I still had a half hour to go, I just went to my office to get some papers done before my last patient comes in before I leave for the night. As I finished most of my papers, I had a knock on the door. I opened my door to have my assistant tell me that my last patient is here. I will finish the rest of the paper work tomorrow when I'm free.

I entered the room with my patient.

"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Dackard. How are you guys doing," I asked the married couple. I hoped to be as happy as they seem to be.

"I am fine and I haven't thrown up as much anymore," Mrs. Dackard said. She is such a lovely lady.

"That is wonderful. Since your only three months pregnant, you won't be finding the gender until next month," I told the couple.

"That's okay, we were going to wait till birth to know the gender anyway," Mr. Dackard said.

"That is totally fine. Now if you could lay back and lift up your shirt, I'll put the gel on and we'll take a look at the little baby," I told them.

After everything with my last patient is was almost 5. I went to wash my hands and get my stuff. I got my stuff and then headed out to my car. I was on my way to Parker's, when he called me. I answered by my car (which comes in handy most times) and we talked about when I would be getting to his apartment.

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