Chapter 38

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Abagail had kept in near constant contact with the lawyers, hoping to speed things up so they could have custody of Harry before the next term. The lawyers understood the gravity of the situation and planned on using the TriWizard Tournament to their advantage, since Dumbledore let it happen.

There were statements, claiming that it was a binding contract that forced the Boy-Who-Lived to compete. However they looked into the fine print and found some surprising terms in the contract that they were willing to exploit.

The Grangers read it over with the Burmings, also finding small print details that they could expand on to help the young wizard. It would appear that things had not been as they appeared, even in the paper.

The Burmings were surprised with their clients, normally they would do all the legwork and the process would drag on since they had to spread themselves between cases. However the Grangers were very hands on in the process, and it sped things along quite nicely. They were more than willing to help with research and it turned more into a think tank than it ever had in their career. It was very refreshing.

The Burmings enjoyed their jobs, and they enjoyed essentially being political sharks, especially in the wizarding world. For a whole group of people to simply dismiss you for your name or blood, it was quite satisfying to be the one that flipped them on their metaphorical ass. A proverbial punch in the nether regions.

The Grangers were very educated so they didn't need much help understanding certain words. There were a few here and there that they needed brushing up on, which was normal even for them when they were looking through the more archaic laws. It was just as helpful that while they worked alongside the Grangers their feeling about the case in general was much better than when they began.

Soon they would be able to confront the Dursleys about Harry Potter's guardianship.


The petite witch confidently made her way to the potions master's office, knowing that if she looked like she had to be there, not many would think to ask why. Of course there would be a few wondering why a Gryffindor would willingly seek out the professor who was known for his biased opinion, however they would simply assume it was due to her know-it-all nature.

It was 6:59 when she knocked on the door.

"Enter," came the reply.

The witch waited a few seconds before opening the door. It was exactly 7 o'clock when she entered the room. She wasn't in the mood to hear him knit-pick about her being early or late, so she would arrive just on time.

The potions master was seated at his desk as the witch quietly let herself into his office. He was slightly annoyed that he wouldn't be able to berate her for being too early or too late. He had considered waiting a minute before answering, making her late, but decided he would be above such pettiness. That was usually reserved for Potter. These lessons indeed had something to do with Potter, but it was not Potter he was dealing with. Besides, it was his idea that these lessons should take place.

"Miss Granger, right on time," he said instead.

His eyes took in her attire, noticing that she wore her school robes over whatever it was she was wearing under. The wizard was impressed, almost expecting her to appear in only her breathable attire. However he was working with the brain of the golden trio, so it would make sense that she be aware not to attract undue attention.

The young witch did not respond and the wizard did not expect her to.

"We will not be having your lessons in my office, but an unused classroom is attached to it. I have cleaned it out and re-purposed it. It's under a notice-me-not charm and a pattern based password, much like the one to Diagon Alley," his voice was deep and soft, much like it was during class.

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