Chapter 84

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The next day Hermione went about her routine with a plan in mind.

She had Collin take a picture of the torture his fellow Gryffindor suffered before she treated it the same night. The witch then sent it to Rita Skeeter post haste with Elara.

With Harry being her bother she told Severus that she wanted more of a hand in their retribution than him. That toad pretending to be a witch (she was still miffed at being called a muggle pretending to be a witch) had fucked with the wrong witch. Rita learned, but Umbridge, she decided, was simply too dense to learn.

The curly haired witch walked around looking for a certain pair of wizards. It hadn't taken too long to find them and she allowed herself a secret smile.

Mia secluded the twins in a nonchalant manner and cornered them, whispering a modified silencing charm around them that Severus taught her.

"Fred, George, I had something very important and very secret I need your help with. A special project. However, before I tell you anything...," she winced knowing how bad what she was going to say sounded, "... I need you to make a wizard's oath to me to ensure that it stays secret."

The twins' eyes widened in surprise. If it were any other person they would have questioned how serious it had to be to require a wizard's oath and if they knew how serious such an oath was, but this was Hermione, they knew that she knew how serious it was to ask an oath. Add to the fact that she had caught them in a hall that was quite empty at the moment, in a corner that was rarely looked at or even used to snog. With everything going on recently, it was hard to find a moment to be alone within Hogwarts. Honestly they were impressed.

They looked at each other for a split second.

"Gryffindor's princess and great Apprentice Hermione has asked us for a wizard's oath-"

"- for help concerning a secret project-"

"- that must be very important-"

"-and she thought to ask us for help-"

"-a most serious matter."

"Have you asked Harry or Professor Snape?"

Hermione raised an eyebrow at their joint statement and follow up question, knowing that her answer was coming even as they teased her. She tilted her head to the side and didn't answer. They didn't need to know. At least from them their teasing wasn't malicious, so it was more than easy to tolerate when you just accepted it as part of their package.

"Oh! No answer," Fred said looking at his twin.

"Very secret indeed," was his brother's reply.

"What do we get out of it?"

Hermione flashed them a smile knowing ahead of time she wasn't going to get something from them without giving them something in return.

"I won't be your test subject, but I am willing to play part distraction for your pranks for two weeks and include a bonus distraction. Its use is good for any time as long as you cash it in with a secret phrase only we'll know. To keep everything a secret of course I will vocally disapprove everything you do in the common room and to others who will listen to me, even if I am assisting you."

The twins' eyes sparkled at this knowing just how much she vocally disapproved of their antics and fun, so she would be the perfect cover. They wouldn't even have to ask her, she offered to help them. Whatever her secret project was, was most definitely juicy and only they would know about it if they assisted her.

"Five weeks." They countered together.


"Four," they counted again.

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