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Eleanor's POV

" He is hot." Diana said excitedly.

" Who?" I was confused.

" You didn't find him hot?" Liana asked. What are this twins up to!!! Whom they are giving the title of Hot.

" I don't understand code language, clear it out right away." I glared at both. But they gave me a surprised expression.

" Come on, Ellie. " Sophia said. Here you go. Why do they need to make a team against me!!!

" No, I didn't understand. Who?" I asked.

" Steffan Anderson, isn't he?" Diana said in a venomous tone like I have killed someone as I didn't notice his hotness. But it isn't my fault. I was concentrating on the meeting, it was important.

" Well, I didn't notice. " I said honestly.

" You are no fun." Sophia said.

" Well, we didn't come to ogle him. We were here to finalize our deal. I am happy that we got it." I smiled and threw punch on air.

" Well, it was your magical voice which worked on. " suddenly Marco came and tugged himself with me.

" Well, how?" I asked.

" When you spoke out everyone stopped. Your voice made everyone statue." Kennedy said.

" Really? " I asked.

" Yes, even Steffan Anderson didn't talk back against you. I think he is too on his way to fall for your charms but without your knowledge." Marco laughed.

" OK, he shouldn't, otherwise they will burn me alive for making their hotty crazy for me." I said pointing Liana, Sophia and Diana, immediately got glare from them. But we laughed out loud.

" It's not funny." Liana glared and I stick out my tongue.

" Ms. Stewart? " suddenly a woman in her 30s came and asked us.

" Me." I said and suddenly her eyes were widen. Well, common reaction of fans. I smiled.

" Eleanor Stewart!!!!! " she said and her hand automatically covered her mouth.

" Yes, it's me." I smiled. " How can I help you?" I asked.

" Actually, ummm.... I .... What?!!.... Are you real?" She asked and I stepped towards her.

" No, I am ghost. " I laughed.

" Umm, sorry, I did didn't recognize you. I am a big fan of you. I am Danielle Compton." She extended her hand, " I am Mr. Anderson's PA." She and and I shook her hand.

" Nice to meet you Danielle. " I said smilingly.

" Oh, nice to meet you. I am so so happy, actually I can't explain how much happy I am now. " she said smilingly.

" Yeah, of course. It's always pleasure meeting fans. Thank you. " I said.

" Ms. Stewart - " she said but I cut her.

" Do you always call me Ms. Stewart? I mean my fans usually call me by my name." I asked.

" No, actually I gave you various names." She smiled.

" Like?" I was surprised.

" Like Nightingale, Sugar voice, honey girl and like others I sometimes call you The Princess." She smiled and this made me smile too.

" Woah,nice names though. " I said. " I think you wanted to tell me something. " I reminded her.

" Oh, yes. Mr. Anderson wanted to talk to you alone." She said and my mood terribly turned off. Is he too like others!!!!

I looked at my team. They were quite worried. I know if I don't do as Anderson says our projects will bankrupt. I can't let that happen. But I can't do anything which goes against my lifestyle either.

" Ellie, will I come with you?" Marco said.

" But he called me alone." I sighed.

" Still we will wait out of his cabin." Kennedy said.

" You guys go studio, don't worry about me " I smiled. " I can protect myself and you all are forgetting that I am daughter of Ethan Stewart and sister of Edwin Stewart. No one has that much courage to mess up with me at NYC." I gritted last few words.

" Are you sure? " Liana asked.

" Yes, Lia. I am. " I said.

" Don't forget that we not just are team members we are best friends too. It's Us Against The World." I nodded and smiled as Marco said that.

" Yes, it's us against the world." We all said it together with a group hug.

" Now people you go and wait for me at studio, we will find out a way to clear out everything." I said.

They went away and I was confused. Stella was really a nice girl. I thought her brother is also like her. But....

" Wait, Ellie, why are you judging him? You haven't even talked with him. Do you know what he is going to say? You are thinking crazy. Yeah, he called you to meet him alone, that doesn't mean he has a bad intention. Maybe Stella is with him too. Whatever, you can't judge anyone like this. You weren't like this." I scolded myself.

" Here, Ellie. " suddenly Danielle pointed to a cabin and stopped there.

I just stand there like a statue and then she knocked.

" Come in." I heard his voice.

I slowly went inside and I saw him typing something on his laptop.

I cleared my throat and he at once looked at me. I suddenly understood the girls were right. He is very good looking and dashing guy, add his personality, he is Perfectionist. I was thinking my own.

" Oh, Ms. Stewart! Please, have a seat." He said and again fixed his eyes on the screen.

" Yes, Mr. Anderson. Danielle said you called me for some private talk. What is this?" I asked him directly.

" Oh, yes." He closed his laptop and looked at me.

" Yes?" I said.

" Ms. Stewart, I was saying you don't need to be the Guarantee. We already got the other papers. You shouldn't be a Guarantee. It can make you suffer later." He said looking at me.

" Yeah, I know. But still I want to be the Guarantee. Don't worry I will take care of it." I said and looked at him.

" OK, if you think so. But still my advice will be not to put yourself in this deal. Maybe cause some personal issues." He said in a serious tone.

" It's OK, Mr. Anderson. I will take care of it. " I said and stand up to leave. " Thanks for everything. " I thanked him and I extended my hand towords him. He one moment stared at my hand and then looked up at me. I smiled and he held my hand and shook it a bit.

" Nice to meet you, Mr. Anderson." I said.

" Same here." He said and left my hand.

I walked out of his cabin and I was thinking about all happened. Why doesn't he want to me guarantee. I was thinking about it now. Then I remembered that I need to be in studio, before I they comes to get me. But I didn't get the reason of his concern. I really don't.

This chapter is dedicated to FarwaNoorKayani. She was so much eager to read the next chapter.

So, cutie pie here it is. Enjoy.😊😊😊😊😊

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