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Steffan's POV

" Calm down, babe. Calm down." I tried to calm down this hell angry girl.

" Explain!!! Now, Mr. Anderson." She said.

" I will I told you. Let's go back to hotel and sit with everyone." I said. Cause, it won't be a good idea to make her calm down by alone myself.

" No, first you, Mr. Anderson tell me why didn't you took my phone calls?" She stopped me standing in front of me hand on her waist glaring hard. I sighed.

" Your dad and my dad both forbade me to take your calls." I said. Her eyes widen first then she glared at me.

" Don't try to make my dad villain here. You yourself must've done something." She said suspiciously.

" What?! Me?! What would I do?!" I asked.

" Did you try to cheat on me? Tried to date other girls?" She asked narrowing her eyes. I face palmed and mentally kicked myself thousands of times. Who am I dying to date when she is here!!!!

" Really?! You think like this?" I asked her.

" I don't know, I just told. Now you tell me am I right or wrong?" She looked at me deeply.

" Definitely wrong." I sighed big time. " Let's go before you state something else, we need to reach hotel. Everyone must be waiting." I said.

" Stop dragging me." She said and I picked her up in my arms.

" Is that ok now?" I said.

" Hmmm, not bad. Improving. I see." She said and I just chuckled.

I reached my car. I make her sit and put seatbelt on her then stole a kiss from her lips before closing the door, she was shocked and I winked at her. As I saw the crowd I regret not going with others. Well, I know another way. I turned my car and started the car.

" I thought we were going back to hotel." She said.

" So, where do you think we are going?" I asked.

" I don't know. You know maybe." She said.

" It's longcut but you know this will be earlier today as the shortcut is completely blocked with your thousands of crazy fans." I said.

" They are crazy and their craziness is the source of happiness." She said and smiled.

" So true. Some of them were provoking you to say no. I think they were my competitors in this race." I said.

" Well, you can think like that but for your kind information there were no competitors in this race against you. You were alone in this raw. You raced alone, you won cause you were supposed to." She said.

" Really?" I asked.

" Yes. But I think girls shouted at me to say no." She said.

" Girls!!! Why?! They can't marry you anyway." I said.

" But they could marry you everyway." She said and I chuckled.

" Nah!!! I wouldn't marry any of them, babe. Cause, I will marry you. Why bother to think about anyone else?" I asked.

" But they thought they can get a chance if I deny you." She said and I smirked.

" There was no way you would deny me." I said.

" What if I did?" She asked.

" Well, I got ready my jet already to kidnap you and take you to china. There is a small beautiful village there called Tauvas Village, it's in Kanas, Xinjiang. I have a friend there who is a priest. So, I decided to took you there and get married." I said.

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