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Jun and Minghao were in their sand pit in the backyard building sandcastles. "Boys you have to come inside soon" their mum Jade called, "Okay" Jun yelled back. An hour had passed and they were still outside.

Their older brother S. Coups walked outside "China line go inside" he instructed, Minghao stood and brushed the sand off. Jun glared at S. Coups "You have to go inside" he said annoyed. "Why?" Jun asked. "Because I said so... It's almost dinner and dad said I can't play Mario Kart with Jeonghan until we have dinner" S. Coups sighed.

Jun brushed the sand off and they walked inside. Everyone sat in their usual seats at the long ass dinner table. Everyone was putting mac and cheese in their bowls when suddenly "Mum!" Taehyung yells and Jade walks over to him "Yes Tae" she crouches beside him.

"This isn't my Gucci bowl" he says upset "How am I meant to eat my dinner if I'm not using my Gucci bowl?" He left the room crying. Jade went to Taehyung's room and sat beside him on the bed comforting him. "I'm sorry Tae, your father did the dishes. He probably forgot to wash your bowl" she says rubbing his back.

"You have another Gucci bowl anyways" Taehyung stopped crying and looked at her "I do?" He questioned and she nodded, picking him up and taking him to the kitchen. Jade grabbed a black box and handed it to him. He opened it slowly and smiled. He carefully put the box on the counter and hugged his mum.

"Thank you! Thank you!" He said happily. Jade smiled at his behaviour. "Come on let's go have dinner" Taehyung nodded and carefully held the bowl as if his life depended on it. Everyone stared at the gold Gucci bowl amazed. Taehyung put mac and cheese in his bowl and ate. Everyone continued to eat.

"Why does Tae have my Gucci bowl?" Vernon whispered to Jade "We can always buy another one" she whispered back. "But I've only got a few dollars" Vernon whined.

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