
62 11 5

I could tell you my life story
I could tell you how I sit crying every night
I could tell you I feel no pain as the razor blade kisses my once smooth skin
But what would be the point?
People would insist I'm only attention seeking right?
Because that's what the world is brainwashed to instantly assume.
People who pour there heart and souls out to you like a never ending waterfall deserve the same respect and understanding than the people who leave you be and feel no need to talk about there problems, before you instantly point the finger of hatred and scream attack because you assume they only want attention maybe you should try and at least understand that not everyone is deliberately beating themselves down because it's the new trend.
Just because we have an illness does not mean we're
We are far from those things but people insist that we're broken and inhuman.
So we act upon their words and we fake a smile only to then creep up behind you when your focus is on some thing that is irrelevant to surviving and stab you in the back with the same knife you butchered us with.

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