18: twinning tattoo

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After work, I was surprised with the twins again.

And all of their camera equipment.

"are you two making a video where you make me do something everyday?" I asked them as I sat in the back and looked back and forth between each twin.

"maybe..." Ethan said as his eyes darted around the car.

"great," I said shaking my head.

"okay guys! So, for our second day of Ava appreciation week-" Grayson said,

"you did not name this video that!" I cut him off, which caused their intense laughs to be audible.

"nah, nah, nah... we named this video 'Amazing Ava does stuff." Ethan said which caused us all to laugh,

"no, but seriously... did you?" I asked,

"yeah, that second one wasn't a joke," Grayson smiled as I fell back in the seat feeling a bit frustrated.

"lucky me," I muttered to the camera.

"so... what will it be today Gray?" Ethan said,

"well Ethan, Ava has tattoos-"

"no...no freaking way!" I said in disbelief, "you guys are not choosing a tattoo for me!" I said feeling more frustrated,

"not choosing but doing..." Grayson said as he gritted his teeth in fear.

I swore at the camera and then sighed.


"yes! She agreed!" Ethan exclaimed.

"you two owe me so bad." I shook my head.

When we arrived at the tattoo parlour, the tattooist gave me a few sheets of paper with pre-picked out tattoos on them which the twins had chosen themselves.

I had to pick from the array of different tattoos.

"did you two draw these?" I asked laughing to myself, to which they both nodded, "can I just make a suggestion?" I asked,

"no Ava... you're not allowed any say in any of this." Ethan said in a faux serious tone,

they laughed some more until I said, "here's a tip, don't take up being artistic or just drawing in general," I suggested,

"what do you mean Ava? Are you saying we're not good enough to draw or be arty?" Grayson said to me as he was filmed pretending to be sad,

"I hate to say it but, yes."

"wow," he said looking straight into the camera. "there's no more wedding anymore." He said before walking off, to which the room went silent. The camera was panned to me and I started straight into the lens as Ethan told me off.

"Gray! Come back Gray!" Ethan called,

"no! she's being mean to me," he pouted.

'I'm sorry..." I said to him,

"okay, let's get some tats!" Grayson said as he brushed it off.

I sat laid down on the table and prepared myself for what I was about to do.

"you guys owe me so freaking much..." I said as Ethan began to tattoo me.

"you're crazy," the tattooist said to me,

"this is all your fault!" I exclaimed to him jokingly,

"yeah, Romeo! Get out of here!" Grayson said as he pointed to the door and their sister filmed it.

I took a deep breath and shut my eyes as the sound of the needle buzzed in the room.

"this better be worth it," I said as Grayson took over and let out a devilish laugh.


when it was done, the camera was back on me to see my reaction,

"honestly, you guys didn't do a bad job," I admitted, "but, can Romeo just try and correct it or something?"

"nope... he's not allowed to do anything now," Grayson said to me.

"fair enough," I sighed.

I was wrapped up and then after Grayson got himself a new tattoo of some roman numerals of the number 16.

"can we leave now?" I asked as he got off of the table and stood up before checking out his tattoo in the floor to ceiling mirror,

"just a minute," Grayson said as he could tell I was a bit fed up,

"okay guys... so, for the second instalment of Ava appreciation week-"

"it's not called that!" I butt in,

"anyway..." Ethan continued, "Ava got a tattoo from us!"

"yay." I said unenthusiastically as I stood between the two of them.

"hey! We put lots of effort into this!" Grayson defending,

"yeah, yeah... I know, I do appreciate it," I admitted to them,
"and that is why its Ava appreciation week," Grayson said,

"still not called that,"

"just shush," he said as he put his hand over my mouth and hushed me.
after they filmed the outro, Ethan drove us all home... finally. 


i just want to say thank you to everyone who has read the story so far. i hope you like this sequel and trust me... i've got a few more little surprises up my sleeve hehehehe

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