26: bay 32

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as I woke up, I stretched and wiped my eyes free of sleep. My alarm blurted out the same irritating song and I immediately switched it off. I laid there for a minute and thought about what I had to do. When I was done, I showered, dressed myself and then dried my hair.

My dad was sat downstairs as I made my way there.

"hey, good morning," he greeted me as he sipped at his coffee,

"morning," I said sleepily,

"have a good night?" he asked me,

"oh... yeah, it was alright." I shrugged as I prepared my own coffee and then grabbed a bowlful of cereal,

"anything interesting happen?" he asked me after he finished off his coffee,

"there's something wrong with Grayson." I said feeling sad,

"what do you mean?"

"he's ill or hurt or something and he didn't tell me because he didn't want me to worry," I blurted,

"that's not good," my dad said shaking his head.

"I know... so now I've got a ten-hour flight to see whether he's alright or not," I shrugged. "why are guys like this?"

"something about masculinity..." he suggested.

"but Grayson isn't like that." I said,

"everybody has their things... maybe this is his." He said and then left to go put his shoes and left me on that single sentence.

My bags were packed by my door and everything was ready to go. I had said goodbye to my dad before he left for work.

"next time you come back to visit, we could be in our new house," my mum smiled.
"sounds good," I said back,

"you'll have to bring the twins because I sense they're strong," she said as she nudged my arm,

"you bet," I laughed,

"okay... have you got everything?" she asked me,
yes... everything is packed and I'm ready to go."

"great... I'll see you soon then," she said as she kissed my forehead as I bent down,

"bye mum," I said as I left the house and got into my taxi,

"bye sweetheart."

And off I went.


the flight back to Los Angeles was the same as it always was. Long and boring. Luckily, there was no one sitting next to me so I wasn't crushed into the window seat.

When I landed, I texted Grayson to see if he was picking me up or not and he said he wouldn't be able to, which was fair enough because I imagined him broken and in a hospital bed. I stepped out of customs and made my way through to the meeting area. A girl, who was maybe around fifteen, ran up to me and asked if she could have a picture. I posed for the picture and then I spoke to her for a minute before a few more people ran over to see me. The small crowd was then followed by a photographer person and that was my cue to pull down my sunglasses and pull of my best hidden celebrity gig. Even though I wasn't one.

Soon enough, I had to leave to go and find a taxi to take me home and the minute I stepped outside, there was a crowd of people around a black BMW and I knew who it was. Suddenly, through the sunroof, Ethan popped out and pointed at me before shouting out my name. at that moment, there were screams which enticed some security guards to come out.

I stood there and assessed how I was going to get to the car without being mobbed by people. A security guard came up to me and started to talk.

"your friend over there didn't think this one through very well," she said shaking her head.

"I know... is there any way you can help me get to them without being mobbed?" I laughed,

"text your friend to drive to bay 32 and then we'll go from there." She said as I pulled out my phone and watched the car slowly drive away after there were lots of goodbyes shouted around.

the woman led me through the building and out through another door at bay 32.

The black BMW was waiting there for me and I thanked the woman and perched myself into the car.

"I thought you weren't going to be here?" I asked them as Ethan turned around and smiled at me,

"Grayson told me that i needed to be here when you texted so..." Ethan said as he drove off.

"sneaky." I said to them, "but the screaming girls gave it away," I laughed.

"yeah... they're always at the airports when we go somewhere." Ethan said as he turned back around.

"it's good to be back." I said.

But I was already beginning to miss the English life after just three days of it. 

"now..." Ethan started, "time to see Grayson."

Grayson And Love |Grayson Dolan|Where stories live. Discover now