Chapter 3 where the romance begins

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Chapter 3

*nicolettes pov*

Right when that conversation was over I ran upstairs, I heard my phone went off and it was Hayes texting me! I read the message and it said Hey ☺️ so I replayed back hayy☺️ and that conversation went on from 9:40 to 12:30 until to that point when I fell asleep! That morning I woke up at 10;30 and I got a text from Hayes saying that he was gonna go to the park at 12, so I had plenty of time to get into the shower and get dressed. So I went to the bathroom brushed my teeth got into the shower and got ready. I didn't really wear anything nice because I'm going to the park, so I just wore gray sweatpants that fold over, a white off the shoulder shirt. And dark gray slippers! Right when I was ready It was 11:30 so I sat on the couch until Hayes would text me, at exactly 12:00 Hayes texted me so i looked out the window and I saw him waving at me so I smiled and quickly ran down stairs and ran out the door. I was running to him until I tripped and fell!! I was so embarrassed until he helped me up and gave me a big hug! I smiled so wide my dimples were showing!

"OMG are you okay!" Hayes said looking worried

"Haha yeah I'm fine although my knee was bleeding"

"Here let's go get you Ice and a bandaid" Hayes said

"Okay!" I said gratefully

But the thing was I couldn't walk so I started to limp

"Here let me carry you" Hayes said with a smile

"Oh okay!" I said

Hayes carried me like a baby all the way to a table and set me on the table

"Are you alright?" He said softly an concerningly

"Yeah I'm alright" i said softly

"Here I'm gonna go get you ice!"

"Oh okay!" I said with a smile

Hayes come back with ice and gently places it on my knee. He was holding the ice down so that my knee can feel better! He seems so cute! And I'm not just talking about his looks. I don't care if guys don't have good looks or not. If they're nice, then I will instantly fall in love! Especially if it's my best friends. When the ice started to melt he took off the ice and threw it out.

"Are you feeling better?" Hayes said concerningly

"Yeah I'm okay" I said

There was a tree over in the corner! Me and Hayes looked at it then looked at each other!

"Race you there!" Hayes said!

"I'll beat you there!" I said while laughing

*Hayes pov*

She beat me to the tree! But I saw a flower! It was actually pretty! So I took the flower and I gave it to her! It was so tempting!

"Oh Heyy uhh. I got you a flower" I said nervously

"Awwww! It's beautiful!" She said with a smile

I wanted to ask her out. But I thought it was too early. So I decided to talk to her

"Let's so sit at the table" she said

So we walked over to a table and say there and just spoke to each other for hours. she carries on a good conversation! Since last night we have becoming pretty good friends! I made plans with her to come to my house tomorrow!

"Well I should get going. My sister keeps calling my name! I'll come over at 10!"

"Oh okay well see yah"

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