Chapter 6. rushes and Suprises

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okay, its official, im most definately asking her out, shes just my type, shes perfect. Maybe today ill take her to the Beach when the sun starts to set like around 5 or 6! Instead of the carnival im gonna pick out and outfit for her at the mall! she has cute clothes, but when I went to the mall with her a couple of weeks ago, I saw her eyeing this one outfit, I knew she wanted it. it was a beach long sleeve loose sweater, that goes over a tank top, it was see through, but it didnt matter because it only went around her arms and her back, I dont know what those things are called, i think its a cardigan? I dont remember. it matched with a gray tank top, and white shorts with gray flip flops. I have everything planned out.

"Hay Nikki. im gonna go for a run, then im gonna go somewhere with my family today sorry! I gotta go" I said

"oh its okay! I was gonna go to the cemetery to see my brother around 2 with my mom and My sister Kim" Nikki said

"oh Okay!" I said, I quickl got up and ran to my house, I dashed into my room and grabed y 100 dollars sitting on my dresser, i jumped into the shower and quickly got out and brushed my teeth and sprayed colonge on me. I ran to the mall which was 2 blocks away from me. I entered the mall and a bunch of screaming fangirls ran over to me and started touching my hair and pulling on my shirt annoying the living crap out of me, I tried to best through the crowd until the security guards escorted the fangirls away from me. I ran into Pacsun where they had the outfit Nikki wanted. I know what size she is because when she tried to look for her size in the outfit they didn't have anymore. She is a small. So I saw a lady working there, I saw her name tag, her name is Morgan. I went over to Morgan to ask if she has a small in the outfit Nikki wanted

"Excuse me, Morgan? Do you happen to have a small in this outfit. It's for a friend" I said curiously

"Ooo this outfit? Your gonna ask her out on a beach aren't you?" Said Morgan

"Yeah.. How did you know?" I said

"Litteraly 5 other guys came in asking for the same thing. And also they told me they were gonna ask their friend out, so I kinda figured" said Morgan

"Oh okay! Cool! Haha" I said

"I'm gonna check in the back to see if they have a small, wait here!" Said Morgan

"Okay thanks Morgan!" I said politely

I waited 5 minutes. Wow she's quick!

"Your in luck! You have the last small!" Said Morgan happily

"Thanks!" I said politely

"Would you like to pay for that?" Morgan said politely

"Sure!" I said excitingly

"Okay the total comes out to 65 dollars said Morgan

I reached into my pocket... The money was gone, I only had 20 dollars left. Those dumb fangirls must have taken some.

"Uhhhh..... I sort of have 20 dollars. I got mobbed by fangirls and they mush have taken the rest of my money I said worried

"I'm sorry, I can't let you get this.." Morgan said sadly

"Oh crap no! Please I need this. I need to ask this girl out. I love her to death. Please" I started to tear up. I love Nikki. I needed this night to go well

"Oh alright" said Morgan

I handed her the 20 but she told me to keep it. I wonder why

"Thank you so much your the best" I said and I quickly ran out of the store.

When I got home it was 3:00. I knew Nikki wasn't home. I ran to a flower store to get roses. I know Nikki likes roses. So I ran to Nikki's house, I knocked on the door. Her sister answered.

"Hey Hayes. Nikki isn't home yet. She will be home at 5" said Kim with a soft voice

"Oh no. I'm not here to see Nikki." I said

"Oh comon in!" Said Kim

"I got roses and this outfit for Nikki. I wanna Suprise her with something. Can I put these in her room?"

"Sure!" Kim said

"Thank you!" I said so happily

I ran into Nikki's room and put the outfit and the roses down. I got a peice of paper and wrote

-meet me at the beach at 6 a Suprise waits for you

Truely yours


And I quickly ran out of her room and out of her house and I went to my house. It was 4 so I sat home for a few hours. I had Kim text me to tell me if she's home. I sat and watched tv for a few hours. Then I got a text

"Hey Hayes. Nikki's home. She went into her room and saw the note. She's really happy you got her that outfit. She's been eyeing that thing for a month! Thank you for making my sister happy, ever since our brother died she's been very depressed, I haven't seen her this happy since our brother was alive. God dam I miss that kid"

I texted back

"Awww thank you! And I'm really sorry for your loss"


I'm litteraly so happy Hayes got the outfit I wanted! I love this kid! I through on the outfit. It fits just perfectly. im in love with it. just the same way as im in love with hayes. its 5:50 right now so in ten minutes im going to the beach. it looks so pretty outside. I wonder what hes doing

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