Raven Reyes | Medical Prodigy

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"I'll see you at dinner." My dad says placing a kiss on my forehead before walking away. I wait for him to turn the corner towards the mecha station before turning to walk towards the med station. Dr. Griffin had recruited me a year ago, when I was barely 16, making me the youngest trauma surgeon of all time. I am a spitting image of my mom, brains and all, as she would say. Her and my mom met when my mom was recruited from Agro. They were trained at the same age and were basically partners. Abby would tell me stories of her and my mom back when she was alive.I walk through the doors and see Dr. Jackson taking inventory. Thank God, I don't have to do it now.

"Good morning Dr. Y/L/N." He says smiling at me. I take a seat on my desk, seeing all the paperwork I had left to fill over. I groan and rest my head on top of the pile and I hear a familiar chuckle and a set of foot steps.

"You better get that done, or I'll assign Jackson all your cases." I hear Abby say as she passes me to move to her desk. I lift my head quickly to look at her and glare.

"You wouldn't. " I ask glare at her and she raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms.

"Do you want to find out and see?" She says smugly. Knowing pretty well that she was no where near to joking, i started filling up the top report. I hear my co-workers chuckling at me as I go through the paper work. I started filing paper work at 7 and it was no quarter to 9. We've had a couple of minor cases, including check-ups that were resolved easily by Erin or Abby. I had decided to sit out on all the action to be able to finish the reports that were almost a week due. I finish up on the paperwork and file them up. I walk back to my desk and sigh in relief and sit in my chair, making it squeak.

"It took you long enough." I hear Jackson say from somewhere in the storage. I see him exit with a tablet in hand and an expression I am far too familiar with.
"What's wrong?" I ask looking at him concerned. He looks up from the device.

"I think we're missing some stuff."  He says, his gaze returning to the list he had. I stood from my seat and made my way to where he was. He gave me the list and I noticed the it right away. A bottle of antibiotics, 2 bottles of painkillers, gauze and a stitching kit were missing.

"Was anyone here besides us last night?" I asked.

"Just the regular cleaning like every night." He says and it clicks in my mind.

"Was it rick or someone else? " I ask, hoping it was our regular janitor. His eyes bulge out and he quickly moves to the phone.

"This is Dr. Erin Jackson, I would like to report a theft. A few medical supplies were stolen last night during clean up. " he says through the phone and then thanks the speaker and hangs up. A few minutes later, 2 guards enter the med station.

"That was fast. " i say in a breathe and Erin nods in response. We see a few more enter but this time some had gashes on their heads and some were helping out in mates by carrying them. Me and Erin dive into action, with me attending to those who seemed to have more serious injuries. Some only had minor cuts and bruises and some needed stitches. I was attending to a boy who had a dislocated shoulder, and snapping it back in when Abby came in with a team right behind her. Two stretchers followed her and she calls me over. I help the patient I was attending to get comfortable and had given him an ice pack before moving to Abby who was prepping for surgery. Abby decidedly chooses to bring the first patient into the ER when i make my way to the patient who was being prepped in the second ER. I wash my arms quickly and a nurse helps me get ready.

"Patients name is Octavia Blake; age 15 ;gun shot to the right abdomen. No signs of the bullet's  exit so-" the nurse says but i cut her off.

"The bullet is still in there. " i say before entering the ER where the girl was already on the table. I see bruises covering the entirety of her stomach and the bullet hole. It was a Glock, I can tell. Maybe a miss fire or warning shot because it was shot from an angular level, the shooter was above her when she was shot. Since that was the case, I decided to cut a small incision, under the hole, to where the bullet might be. I get the tweezers and carefully maneuver my way to grab the bullet. Her heart was racing, as I felt metal. I carefully dragged the bullet out and unto the tray that the nurse kindly offered. As i was finishing up, when my eye caught sight of her left forearm which had stitches. I finish with the bullet wound and make my way to the left of the table to examine the newly found stitches. It was lazily sewn and it looked oddly colored, indicating an infection.  I ask for som scissors but the nurse reminds me that we had gone over the limit for antibiotics.

"She has two open wounds, one is infected and she's lost a lot of blood from the other. She wont survive recovery if we don't clear the infection." I say asking for the scissors to cut the stitches away.

"You're doing an illegal procedure." The nurse says plainly, handing me the some gauze to clean the wound.

"I have never refused to treat a patient, I will not start now. " I say returning to the infected arm. I can see that the infection had slowly moved up her arm. I inject the side with some antibiotics and cutting off some infected flesh. Satisfied with my work, I stitch her up and wrap the arm. When I'm finished, I exit the ER and was quickly confronted by Abby.

"What have you done? " her eyes full of fear and confusion.

"I saved a life, Abby. " I say plainly and her expression changes to a sad one.

"I'll go to jail with a clear conscious." I say as I undress into my regular clothing. I make my way towards the trauma room and tend to more patients that need patching up. I tend to guards with minor gashes and stitch them up before deciding to check up on Octavia. I make my way to the secluded rooms that we reserve for those who were recovering from surgery and find the young girl's room. I knock in case anyone was inside and open the door to see a young man sitting at a chair near the bed Octavia laid in.

"Good morning, I'm Dr. Y/L/N." I say, reaching for a handshake to which he returns. I got a good look at him and saw that he looked quite similar to Octavia. * describe similarities *

"I'm Bellamy Blake." He says and it clicks. Octavia is an illegal child.

"Octavia's brother?" I ask not letting go of his hand and he nods reluctantly, waiting for my reaction.

"Don't worry Mr. Blake, I treat all my patients the same way." I say letting go of his hand. I give him a warm smile and he returns with a shy one.

"Now, If you don't mind, I'd like to check for your sister's vitals." I say moving to the other side of the bed to where the chart and monitors were.

I check quickly, seeing that everything was fine. I decide to check on her arm and take it from under the blanket. Looking towards Bellamy who now had a worried look, I slowly unravel the wrap to reveal my handy work. The irritation had calmed down and the skin had turned a regular shade. I dispose the used wrap to get a new one from one of the cabinets near by. I wrap up the arm and settle it back to her side. I look towards Bellamy who was fidgeting, trying to avoid my gaze.

I walk towards his side and put an arm on his shoulder. he looks up at me and I smile at him. I had already figured that he had taken the supplies to use it for his sister's wound.

"Your sister's going to be fine, you'll need to change her bandages every 5 hours to make sure the arm doesn't get infected again. in 3 weeks it should be fully healed and you should take her to me so I can take the stitches out. I also recommend that if any of you need stitches, you go straight to me to be safe. I commend you for trying but your handy work is not the best." I say smiling and his face turned shocked. He is lost for words and he nods. I pat his shoulder and walk to the exit. As i reach the door I hear him cough and I turn my attention back to him.

"Thank you for keeping Octavia alive." Is all he says and gives me a small smile and I nod to him.

"It's what I do." I say before leaving the room. I make my way to the Trauma room to see that most of the patients had left, because most injuries were minor. I move to my desk and place my ID on top of it. I sigh and walk towards the exit, with my hands in my pockets. I

The same nurse comes walking towards me with two guards following behind.

"Dr. Y/N Y/L/N, you are under arrest for exceeding the maximum medical supplies allowed for a patient. Given that you are under the age of 18, you will be sentence to prison until the legal age of 18 where you will be sentenced to death. " An officer says and i was then escorted out of the med station.


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