Jade Thirlwall • Summer Ball 2015

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WARNING : This story will have sexual content. If you are not comfortable with all that, I advice you to skip on to the next story. If you are curious though, there is no harm in having a little peek. You have been warned.

Jade's POV
"Baba, why so down?" Perrie asks, intertwining our fingers as we walk into the venue. It's 7 in the morning, I haven't seen my girlfriend in 3 months and I haven't eaten anything. Everything is holding by a thread at this point.

"Y/N has to stay at NYC for a few more days, so we won't see each other till Pride. That is, if I'm actually allowed to go. " I understand busy schedules but this is ridiculous. We haven't seen each other since Valentines day. We talk through FaceTime, but only if we're both available. Half the time we spent it updating each other about new projects and possible vacations that have to be moved last minute. The other half for other things that can barely act as a substitute for the real thing. I feel Perrie pull me in and now her arm snaked around my shoulder.

"Hey, You'll see each other soon. You both have busy schedules and that makes your relationship stronger. She loves you and you love her and you'll get through the distance like you always have." Perrie says and I smile at her and wrap my hand around her waist as we walked through the halls. We see familiar faces and stop to chat with some but soon we just walked to the dressing room.

I take a seat on the couch in the room and open my phone to check on Y/N. She hasn't been active lately so I decide to call her, Already missing her voice.

At the first ring she picks up and I hear faint music in the background.

"Hi babe, what ya up to?" She says with her cute American accent.

"I'm sitting on the dressing room couch, waisting time before soundcheck. How about you?" I ask her, wanting to know more about what's keeping my girlfriend away from me. I get comfortable on the couch, spreading my legs so I was lying down.

"I'm on my way to a meeting and then later maybe a photoshoot. Did you eat breakfast?" She asks just as a grumble made its way to my stomach.

"Nope, not yet, but I will in a while. Also, Tina told me you're not eating." I say angrily.

"I've only forgotten a couple of times, then sometimes I'm not hungry at all. Nothing to worry about, gorgeous." She says and I sigh. I feel myself swoon despite of it, hearing our little pet name. She's done this before and did not stop to take care of herself until she actually fainted from the lack of nutrition.

"The last time you said that, you went to the hospital a week later. " I say with a sad tone and I can hear her sigh as well. I wouldn't say she has a problem, she just needed to be reminded to be human.

"Yes mom, I will eat right after we talk. I promise gorgeous. You excited to kill it out there? I haven't seen your outfit yet." She says whining the last part which makes me chuckle. She, like some fans loved how the stage outfits hugged our bodies.

"No, you have to wait and see. Think of it as payback, then I won't have to be the only one who's got blue balls." I say matching her tone. I need her, like seriously. Dating someone who always traveled for work mean the time difference along with late night facetime calls were all we could do to keep ourselves from going insane.

"I have been just as frustrated as you babe. You singing to young horny teens in short skirts as they drool over you does not sit right with me." She says and I can hear the frustration in her voice. I look around and see that the girls have left. I put the receiver closer to my mouth, cupping it just in case anyone decides to burst in the empty dressing room.

"Well seeing my half naked girlfriend sporting lingerie through a screen is not my idea of a good time either. I love it, don't get me wrong gorgeous, it's just the whole no touch rule that gets me hot and bothered." I say in a huff. I hear her chuckle and feel my insides melt at how cute her voice sounded

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2017 ⏰

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