Chapter 7

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(Bee's pov)
I shot the cons out of the sky but we heard yelling and we saw Optimus and Sentinel fighting but he ripped off his arm. I heard Indigo growl and she landed a yard away and I got off and she transformed back to her cybertronian self and said, "This mean energon!" And she had her dragon wings appear on her back and she took of in the sky and dived at Sentinel taking off his arm and a little of his chest, I was about to go help them when IronHide held me back and said, "This is there fight we must now help unless asked for." I understood and watched the fight with my friends and Indigo held her sword and she was glaring at Sentinel till Optimus got up, but Sentinel was shot in the back and he feels but we saw it was Megatron.
(Indigo's pov)
I stayed with my sir the whole time in case he need my help and when I saw Sentinel was dead Megatron and my sir talked for a minute, until it turned into a fight an my sir killed Megatron. I saw Optimus limping a little so I came to his side and helped him a little he chuckled and said, "Heh I guess my past primes knew you would great as my sparkling as will," I smiled but we walked over to the others and Bee and IronHide walked over and told my sir we lost Wheeljack. He sighed but thanked the humans for helping us but I had a bad feeling in my stomach and I said, "Something is about to happen and not the good kind, we need to go into hiding after your arm is fixed dad." He understood and Ratchet got to work but when my dad was getting fix he looked at me, Bee and IronHide and said, "You three stick to together and IronHide you are in charge of watching Indigo, find somewhere to live and wait for my call to meet up when the time comes understood." We told him ok and the boys transformed into there alt modes and I shifted back to my human self and got in Bee and we took of heading for Texas.

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