It Wants To Take Us

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My experience took place in the North East of England in a county called Northumberland. It happened during the beginning of September in 2007.

When I was younger my granddad would often talk of strange happenings in his home. I used to hang on his every word and, having just thought they were only stories or tall tales, I was about to find out how wrong I was.

There was one in particular he told a lot. Reason being that, although it started years ago, he was still having "visits" from whatever this thing was. He said that an elderly man with blue eyes dressed in black would talk to him at night (this had been happening since he moved to his new home). The thing is, he said this "man" didn't want to talk about normal things but vile and disgusting things that sickened my granddad. (During my stays there I often heard whispering and loud noises but didn't think much more of it).

I feel it is important to note that I am very close to my granddad and at the time this happened I used to visit him at his home quite often. During one of my usual visits, my granddad seemed out of sorts and not his usual self. I brushed it off but, while I was making us both a cup of tea, he said that I was no longer allowed to visit him at his house. Of course I was shocked and upset by this but when he gave me the reason, I was both happy and worried. According to him he was visited by the elderly man the night before, but instead of his usual dirty mouth he changed the talking point to me and as you can imagine, this worried my granddad greatly.

The reality of what my granddad had said didn't sink in until my parents decided to renovate my entire house. The house was originally built during the late 1800's so you can imagine how strange it looked when it was stripped back to its original state. I had been left alone one day while my parents went to buy supplies for the housework Being left alone was a rare thing in my house, so I took advantage of the situation and decided to play some of my music.

My house is an open plan so from the lounge I can see directly into the kitchen (which was creepy with the current demolition of walls and ceilings) and at either end of the house we have two large windows. I was sitting in the lounge directly opposite the window when a reflection in the window caught my eye. It was too early for my parents to be back so I assumed it was my older brother returning from work and, as usual, I proceeded upstairs to have my regular chat with him.

On my way up the stairs I was accompanied by my terrier who seemed nervous, and she seemed to be approaching the top of the stairs in a very cautious manner. We were about 2 or 3 stairs from the top when she stopped and refused to go up any further. I thought it was unusual as my dog loves my brother and usually makes a big fuss over him when he comes home. Little did I know that the reason she wouldn't go upstairs would possibly scar me for life.

The thing that I thought was my brother was, in fact, the old man with blue eyes and the black clothing my granddad had talked about so much. Terrified, I couldn't move and a wave of nausea came over me as the smell of rotten eggs filled my nose. He seemed to enjoy my fear and he almost seemed to smile when I began to shake. It must have only been a few minutes, but I felt like I had been standing looking into this things eyes for ages. Slowly but surely I began to feel my way down the stairs, never turning my back on it for fear of being hurt or followed.

After the first encounter, I decided that I didn't want to stay in the house while it was being decorated so I stayed with my boyfriend until early December 2007 when it was finished. But I wasn't aware that whatever visited my granddad had been waiting for my return.

Feeling uneasy and paranoid in my newly refurbished home, the memory of the last time I had been there lingered in my head. In an attempt to stop the thoughts, I decided going to bed would be a better idea... Big mistake. I'm the type of person who doesn't settle when their personal space has been changed, so nodding off proved nearly an impossible challenge.

It must have been around 3 or 4 before tiredness took its toll and I began to drop off when I suddenly got the feeling I had to look at my door. The door was slightly ajar to let some light from the bathroom into my room as I dislike the dark (and with good reason).

Evil, it's the only word to describe the feeling that had suddenly surrounded me. It was a horrific feeling wanting to move or at least cover my face but not physically being able to do it. All I could do is wait. The feelings intensified as I watched what looked like a hand curl around my bedroom door and begin to push it open. Not wanting to wet myself from being scared, I somehow managed to muster up the courage to ask whatever this thing was what it wanted. A short pause felt like the longest moment of my life and the answer the thing gave me was so short and simple, yet the most fear inducing reply I've ever heard, "You." The voice was deep and raspy and made my hear sink upon hearing it but, in desperation and wanting to gain control of my physical being, I struggled to say the words, "You can't have me." Minutes passed I could hear something that sounded like hissing or cold water being dropped on a hot surface and the hand slowly retracted and the feelings of dread and fear vanished.

I visited my granddad a few days later despite his wishes for me to stay away, to tell him of the events but before I'd even had a chance to tell him the evil visitor's answer to my question he mouthed the word "you" and nothing more was said. I just knew that his intentions for me were the same as the ones for my granddad.

Since that night my granddad or myself haven't seen or heard from whatever the thing was and, in all honesty, the both of us never want to. There have since been small disturbance at both my granddad's and my own house like doors swinging open and fast tapping on walls and cupboards, but we'll take that over our elderly man any day.

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