Noises In The House

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This happened a few years ago, not to me, but to my mum. She is convinced that something was with her. It was a while a go when I was a few years into high school, I'm now 18 (but please don't think I'm an immature teenager making up a story) so it was a good 4 or 5 years ago.

Firstly, my mum always says that she thinks she has a bit of a sixth sense that comes to her through dreams. She dreams about people she doesn't know, giving her messages for her friends. When she goes to her friends, they always say that a dead relative of theirs who died recently used to say those things to them while they were alive. Although she has never had an upfront situation with a ghost as such, we both believe strongly and I do believe that she has a bit of an intuition.

One thing that my mum and dad have told me was from when I was very young, I think about 2 or 3, when they tried to put me to bed I used to complain about an old woman in a rocking chair keeping me awake and watching me. I don't remember that as obviously I was quite young, but I do find it strange. Anyway, this happened in the house I grew up in.

At one point in my life, when I had really bad teenage hormones and my periods had just properly started, I was having a bit of grief with my dad as him and my mum were separated, and things were a bit up in the air. Nothing had ever happened before, but my mum used to lie in bed and hear things. One night it sounded as if someone was rolling marbles along the wooden floor. I was asleep and we were the only ones in the house.

Another night she would hear guitar strings being played, again, no one else in the house. One night, again when she was alone, she was startled awake, and felt someone sit on the bed next to her. They said or did nothing, but after a while the weight shifted, and she felt at ease again.

Her and her partner were asleep one night, my mum again was woken up for no reason, she felt someone there, but heard or felt nothing, just a presence. And Simon (her partner) said to her the next day, "It was nice when you were stroking my face in the night, but you woke me up at 3 in the morning!" This was the exact time which she had been awake and felt something there.

My bedroom was directly next to my mum's as it was only a small house, and she used to make me get off my laptop at a certain time as I would have sat up all night! She was in bed alone one night and could hear typing, so she shouted at me to get off the laptop, but it didn't stop. She went into my room and I was fast asleep, and the laptop was stone cold, so I couldn't have been on it and pretended to be asleep.

This next situation may seem a bit hard to believe and usually, I would say, yes, it was the wind. But, the door from our stairs into the front room stuck like mad. If you wanted to open it you would really have to push yourself into it or it wouldn't open. My mum went into the kitchen one night when she was alone and I was at my nan's, came in and the door was wide open. It was winter, so no windows open, and as I say, I know that wind couldn't have pushed it open.

She never told me about this, but she did tell someone she worked with. He suggested that sometimes, some spirits can be attached to girls with bad hormones or who are having a bit of a bad time. I don't know how true this is and as I say, nothing ever happened to me, but when she worked it out these goings on only ever happened when I was due a period (apologies for the period talk!), when I wasn't nothing ever happened.

He also suggested talking to whatever it was to put her mind at ease. She came home from work one day when I wasn't there, stood at the top of the stairs and said, "I don't know who you are or what you want. I am more than happy to share my home with you, but I won't let you scare me" and nothing ever happened again.

As I say, this didn't happen to me and my mum wouldn't make it up to scare me because, well that's cruel! I don't know if what her friend told her was true, I never felt it myself so I can't say that I felt someone was with me, but I do believe her.

I just wanted to share this and see if anyone with a bit more knowledge to see if they could shine a bit of light onto it for me?

Thanks and I will be happy to answer any questions if anyone needs to know anything:)



So this book reached 100 reads, so i updated like I said :D

Can I get another 20 reads before i update next? Thank you! :D


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