Dream House

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A/N: Aili: This story isn't scary but I liked it. Thank you for 1.8k reads! Also I'd love to hear about your experiences and stories, PM me and I may even incorporate them into this book! Anyways thank you again!! 


My Name is "Blank" and this is my story...

I call it the Dream House. Ten years ago my family and I moved into a rather large home. We considered it a mini mansion, if you will, with four bedrooms, three and half bathrooms. Through the red door you entered into a large elegant foyer with a glass crescent table where my mother had all her crystal figurines on display. And as you stood, a heavy enchanting chandler holding fifty candlesticks hanging steadily twenty feet above your head. A large all white ballroom stood ahead of you. To your right the master suite. To the left you pass the enormous tiled kitchen, the breakfast area, the dinning room, a hallway of a laundry room in itself that held two extra refrigerators and finally the den. Then... There were the stairs.

These very plain-carpeted stairs led up to the upstairs suites. Once you padded up the stairs you were presented with another small living room with rooms on either side. The upstairs' suite shared a hallway bathroom with separate vanities. And in the upstairs' bathroom stood a plain door that would pass for another linen closet. However, you may notice something different about this door. Larger stronger brass doorknob, painted completely white, not like the wood paneled cupboards. It was heavy and hard to push open. An extreme pull to my curiosity, being eleven years old. It couldn't be the attic? That was downstairs above the garage.

I pushed the door open and was puzzled, I found a light switch and illuminated a small wooden room. I looked and saw that there was still the pink insulation. It was cold and smelt of fresh sawdust and old wood. Even as I walked barefoot into the room, I dragged the dust on my feet. An extra room, I guess? I was also wondering why the heavy door? It was just like the heavy doors you use to go outside or in the garage. Who the hell installed this?

Now being done with the room, I turn to grab the door and walk out but something stopped me. On the inside of the door was a dead bolt lock suggesting to keep something from getting into this "panic room" from the outside. I had no idea what to think, I left and tried to ignore it.

Throughout the years my parents, two older sisters and I lived there strange things kept occurring. As for anything I brought up to my parents, they always laughed and brushed it off since they just used the panic room for extra storage. They were in love with their dream house and were blind to anything a preteen would say. How could they? It was their dream house.

So I tried to ignore it, but there were some things I could not ignore. For Christmas my parents bought me a brand new two-speaker stereo. Not to mention that my room was closest to the "panic room". I installed the new stereo on my built-in set of desk and shelves that were built on the same wall that matched the other side as the panic room. While enjoying the beat it bumped during the day as I worked out, I experienced unwanted usage at night. Often I woke to my stereo randomly turning on by itself.

I jumped in the middle of the night to this sound of the radio changing from station to station. It made no sense. I was constantly having to get up in the middle of the night just to turn this silly thing off. The stations weren't even programmed to what I would usually listen too. I never paid attention to the station, I would wake up to being so tired. Usually my older sister would sleep with me. I found myself waiting up for her until she was done from work just to be able to fall asleep. Still the stereo would randomly turn on in the middle of the night. I finally asked my older sister why this could being happening. While half asleep she said it was probably because of the plane's radios passing by at night. Even though a part of me knew that wasn't true, I tricked myself to believe it. I found myself being twelve years old still sleeping with a night light and even I couldn't feel comfortable sleeping alone. I was shiat out of luck when my older sister moved out to go on with her own life.

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