Chapter 2

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"LEONARDO CHRISTOPHER CARTA!!" Monserrat yelled across the room, "Why on earth haven't you gone and fixed my gold Rolex?! I have to meet Samantha and Daisy at Rola's Café in half an hour!"

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"LEONARDO CHRISTOPHER CARTA!!" Monserrat yelled across the room, "Why on earth haven't you gone and fixed my gold Rolex?! I have to meet Samantha and Daisy at Rola's Café in half an hour!"

"Monse I told you I was going to tell Patrick to take it to the store and get it fixed but I been busy with the whole Carta chair pass over. I'm really sorry." I quietly said while rubbing her soft cheek with my thumb. She looked beyond irritated as if she was going to punch me directly in the face. I took several deep breaths.

"Forget it Leonardo! Just give me some cash and I'll go buy another one myself since you're too busy with this damn business." Monserrat growled as she fixed her long blonde hair in the mirror. Her gaze was fixed upon herself as she spoke only solidifying her disinterest in me at the moment.

I took out a packet of a hundred dollar bills and placed it carelessly on the marbled counter and quietly walked tout.  


"Where the hell are you! I've been waiting 15 minutes at our spot and I don't want to be seen!" Monserrat exclaims over the phone.

"I'm just around the corner." He responds.

Monserrat plays with the fabric of her lose skirt that ended right about half way her thigh. She apprehensively looks in every direction trying to assure that she was not being seen. The hot rays of sunlight soon began to ignite the perspiration on Monserrat's round golden face. She was anxious.

From the corner of her eye she finally saw the man walking towards her apathetically, almost appearing quite careless. That sight was enough to erupt the flames of anger within her. She stands up, quickly pulling down her black skirt lower, and walked up to him.

"Hey baby why so feisty?" Jace chuckled while pulling Monserrat in for a warm and passionate hug. He slid his muscular arms around her waist and gently squeezed her making a quiet moan escape from her lips. "Uff darling you know how much those moans turn me on." He boasted.

"I don't have time for your horniness babe! I swear if you make me wait next time for more than 5 minutes, I'm going to leave." Monserrat barked while putting her arms around Jace's neck.

"You know how my dad is. He is always making me do shit around the office. I swear to God that I'm getting sick of it. He wants me to contribute to the stupid business...a business that should be MINE- he emphasized, -but instead he gives it to my incompetent brother. That nigga is going to pipe down billions just because he's the oldest?! This shit got me fucked up!"

"Baby you know that's why you have me. Once I marry his ass I'm going to get you everything you deserve. Me and you will rock the fuck out of Carta!" Monserrat assertively said.

"That's why I love you." Jace said as he leaned in to kiss Monserrat's fresh pink lips.

"Hey I have to go okay. I don't want to be late to the stupid announcement my dad is going to hold at the office. I have to stand there and watch my father give away billions over to my stupid ass brother while I stand there and watch." Jace said.

"Okay. I'm going to the Prada store to get my mind off of everything at the moment. Leo gave me some money and I definitely plan on using it." Monserrat replied as she put a strand of blonde hair over her right ear.

They both kissed each other goodbye before parting ways at the park.


"Thank you all for coming to this short notice announcement. As many of you may now know, I am getting old believe it or not," there was an eruption of laughter and commotion amongst the hundreds of employees, interns and staff at Carta, "It is my honor and utmost joy to present and introduce to you all your new boss, my son and right hand Leonardo Carta."

Everyone began to clap and cheer as I made my way to the small stage that was put together in the large conference room. I stand beside my father firmly looking at an ocean of young ambitious individuals with the same purpose of seeing Carta succeed. I was overwhelmed. In attempt to hide the build up of anxiety in my body, I smiled candidly and waved at everyone applauding.

"Leonardo is my eldest son and Jace's big brother. I trust Leonardo that he will continue pushing the vision me and my friend had nearly 30 years ago. He will be in charge of the direction this company takes and I am positive it will be the right path. My chair will be handed to him beginning next month. Until then, I will prepare to end my legacy here with gratitude and pride. Thank you everybody!" Sebastian cheered.

My father pulled me in for a hug while patting my back. I was excited beyond explanation to take a hold of something so precious and valuable to my family. I hope that I, too, can hand down this business to my first child, regardless if its a girl or a boy. I know in the bottom of my heart that this was the beginning of something new.

"Congratulations big brother! How does it feel to be an overnight billionaire?" Jace said sarcastically.

"I appreciate you man but you know that you're going to be my right hand in this.  You know I can't do anything about the fact that I'm the oldest. So let's just take it easy man." I say.

"Oh it's no biggie Leo. I love you to the moon and back 321 BILLION times." Jace snarked. Without giving me a chance to respond, he turned around and walked away greeting the sea of employees in front of him.

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