Chapter 3

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"I am so happy for you baby! You deserve so much more!!" Monserrat said while hugging me tightly with her arms. If anything, this girl could very well cheat on me and with just one kiss I could fall back into her arms. My love for her was that big that my well being did not matter to me but rather hers. I would give up my own happiness and sacrifice anything good in my life just so I can see her smile. I had shared over two years of my life with her and I know she would never play with me that way however.

"Thank you babe. It means so much to me. I mean, I feel overwhelmed with all of this but it truly is an honor to carry on this legacy. I couldn't be happier that you will be my right hand in this." I say while looking deeply into her blue eyes.

Monserrat smiled at me while rubbing her hand on my knee. She had a soft touch that would make my entire body flutter and erupt with joy. Her effect on me was grand. This woman is the only person I would give everything for, even my life.

"Leo. So when you take on the chair, do you think we could maybe start thinking about getting married? I mean look at us. We have been so happy for two years and I am almost 99 percent sure you are the one I want to spend my life with." Monserrat seductively said.

"What ever you want baby. I want to make you the happiest woman alive."


A month quickly breezed over us uneventfully. My father had passed on his chair he had held for nearly thriry years. It was emotionally hard for him to let go of the massive empire he had built but I knew he trusted me with it. The day I officially become CEO of Carta, hundreds and hundreds of employees made sure to get on my good side by welcoming me and introducing themselves. I was quickly stressed by the loads of responsibilities my father was passing onto me. This business is world wide and its reputation rested upon my shoulders, unexperienced shoulders. I am only 24 years old and a fresh graduate of Yale University, but the demands were suited for only a guy like my father. I was not going to back down, however. If anything, I was determined to double the wealth and success of this company.

"Mr. Carta I have the senior representative waiting outside. And also I just wanted to remind you the Halti brothers would like to schedule a meeting in Manchester to go over the plans for the construction of the Cambridge Falls Bridge." Heather said as she held countless files, folders and pieces of paper in her arm.

"Thank you Heather. Send him in and have my assistant schedule that appointment." I tirelessly reply.

"Umm sir you don't have a assistant. Well technically I am for now until you hire one since Katie resigned when your father left. And before you put me to it, I'm actually the head of the board of architects." Heather shy fully says.

"Oh. Sorry I didn't know I wasn't aware. I bet your really tired. Look, set up an opening for assistants and I'll set up interviews for possible candidates. Thanks." I say as I rest my head in my hand.

I was exhausted both physically and mentally. I had pulled 2 all nighters and I haven't been home since I started working. A flush of guilt came over me when I remembered about Monserrat. She probably feels like I'm putting this business before her and us. I wanted to prove to her that she is my priority but I am now realizing the poor job I am doing. I missed Monserrat.


"Ohh daddy!" Monserrat moaned quietly between her lips.

"You like that huh!? Tell me you like that!!" Jace aggressively said as he thrusted.

"GIVE IT TO ME!!" Monserrat yelled.

Light only came from the burning candles that surrounded the bed where Monserrat and Jace were having sex. They both tried to be quiet but the task in it of itself was more arousing. Monserrat had been secretly seeing Jace for a year and a half. Both knew of the fire they were playing with behind Leonardo's back but that only seemed to intensify their relationship.

"I'll see you next week okay. Leonardo has arranged a fucking meeting with some architects in Sicily and I'm going to be gone for a couple of days." Jace said as he tried to catch his breath.

"Okay. I'll try and see if I can push Leonardo to propose so we can get started with this wedding shit. I'm so tired of pretending to love this man. I feel like I have wasted two years of my life." Monserrat explained.

"Aww don't be so bitter baby. I'm pretty sure in those years you have enjoyed the shit out of the luxury life he is providing you with." Chuckled Jace.

"True but he's annoying. I can't stand his ass! But for the sake of sleeping in silk sheets each night with gold plated chandeliers hanging above my head, I don't mind the wait." Monserrat said with a grin on her face as she looked above at the sophisticated chandelier that hanged above her.

"When you make me CEO of Carta, baby you'll have real life angels clothed in gold and diamonds looking over you as you sleep. We're going to sleep on Benjamins every night. Just wait on it." Jace whispered.

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