asahi x nishinoya

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- Noya has a thing for riding, he likes to feel like the dominant one, even though he has a dick up his ass. I guess it's just the fact that he's on top of Asahi, and that makes him feel bigger and taller than he actually is, Asahi doesn't mind at all, actually he loves it because sometimes he's nervous that he might hurt Noya.

- When Noya is in the shower masturbating, he will shove literally anything up his ass, a bottle of shampoo, body wash, literally anything he can get his hands on.

- Noya caught Asahi jacking off to porn once, so he walked in, sat down and watched it with him, they did a reenactment of it after.

- They once had sex infront of Suga, they didn't know he was there and he took a lot of photos.

- They constantly have competitions with eachother about who can come the fastest, Asahi always wins surprisingly.

- (college au)
Suga: *bursts through the door* boys do you need any snacks, drinks, more lube?

- Whenever Asahi or Noya go away on a trip with their family, they skype call every night, 95% of the time this leads to skype sex.

- Asahi thinks it's really cute when Noya gets all shy and covers his face during sex, Asahi takes his hands off his face and tells him that he's the only person for him.

- Hinata walked in on Noya giving Asahi a blowjob, Asahi gave him $20 to not tell anyone.

- Noya sometimes wears a skirt and Asahi 62637% of the time gets a nosebleed.

~ hideko

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