Chapter 5- Aunties & Uncles

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*Mackenzie's POV*

Continues where left off..

I'm so excited. I'm having a baby. Rob and I are having a baby. We're having a baby. Did I mention there's going to be a new baby?

I sent a group text message to my twenty-twenty sixes.

Mackenzie: Urgent alert! Report to the park!

Mason: Henry and I are on the way.

Annie: So are Kami and I...

Once we arrived at the park, we sat by the tree and waited for Henry and Mason to get here. A few minutes later they walked up and took a seat.

"What's up?" Mason asked.

"I have some news." I said.

They all looked at me expectantly.

"You guys are going to be aunties and uncles." I smiled.

Annie smiled and clapped and I couldn't hear anything with the mix of a few squeals from Kami and her and all the other things said.

"Are you serious?" Annie asked.

I nodded.

"Does Rob know?" Annie asked.

I nodded.

"What's wrong Mason?" I asked, he looked a little down.

"Oh nothing. Congrats Mac." he smiled.

"Thanks." I said, returning the favor.

"Any new news?" Kami asked.

"Yeah, Alex and Johanna are together. They went on a date." I smiled. Finally

"It's about time." Henry sighed.

"That's what I said." I laughed.

"Alright guys, I gotta go. Congrats again, Mackenzie." Mason said. Mackenzie? What about Mac? He never calls me by my first name....

"He's my ride, see ya later guys." Henry said, getting up and following Mason.

"What's up with him?" I asked. I looked over to my right at Annie and Kami, they were glaring at me like I shoudl already know.

"What?" I asked, trying to stop them from giving me the death glare.

"Like you don't know." Annie replied.

"I don't. Did Jacee (his girlfriend) break up with him?" I asked.

"No. You're clueless Mac. He likes you." Kami said.

"Whatever. He knows Rob and I are together." I replied.

"That doesn't matter. He doesn't really like Jacee. He likes you." Annie said.

"You guys are crazy." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Whatever. You'll figure it out one day. We've tried telling you for years. We gotta go." They said before congratulating and hugging me.

I made my way back home and Rob had called so I returned the call.

"Hello?" he asked.

"You called?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I just wanted to talk a little bit more about what's gonna happen now that there's a baby on the way." he said.

"Okay? How about we talk about living arrangements." I said.

"Yeah, what are you thinking?" He asked.

"Well, there's this cute little three bedroom apartment I saw on 4th street, it's not too expensive." I said.

"Apartment?" He asked.

"Yeah, we're going to be a family now. It makes a lot more sense to live together." I answered.

"That's not what I was thinking. I'm still living at home. I'm also still saving up." He replied.

"Then what were you thinking Rob? Remember I'm still in school." I said.

"I don't know I thought we could still stay with our parents. I can't exactly afford anything right now." he said.

"Oh. Okay. I understand Rob. You were thinking I can raise the baby here at home and you can come over whenever you feel like it to see your child. I got it. Well, don't bother calling back. If you're not ready for this baby like I am, then don't worry about it at all. I've got it all under control to myself. We're done." I said, hanging up.

If he's not man-enough to help with this baby he "wanted" then I'm not going to deal with him. Forget him.

Someone knocked on my door and I yelled for them to come in.

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