Welcome to Hope's Peak academy

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It was your first day at Hope's peak academy as the SHSL Killer. Well, to everyone else, you'd only be known as the SHSL Philosopher. You walked into class 77-B. No familiar faces so far. Good. And then you saw him. Your childhood friend, Ryota Mitarai. Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God. You couldn't have fresh start with him in your homeroom. As you stood there silently cursing, a memory flashed back to you from an old school, an old year, an old life. It was a normal sunny day in the courtyard were you often ate lunch with Ryota. The two teachers that were supposed to be supervising you had stumble drunkedly into the break room. You knew all too well that they wouldn't appear for the rest of the break. The bullies that often terrorized others had suddenly taken interest in you and Ryota. You had heard of how they chased their victims until they collapsed from exhaustion, then twisted their limbs at odd angles. These bullies were infamous for inducing pain and despair. You ran with Ryota across the courtyard, your lungs wheezing, your hearts in your throats. Ryota tripped on the concrete floor, spraining his ankle. Your head jerked around, your body tensed up and froze. You couldn't leave him behind. They had finally caught up with you. The leader of the group had pushed you against the wall, his clammy hands groping at your chest. He exhaled on your face, his breath smelling as horrible as fear itself his hand slipped around your leg. You saw behind him his lackeys had pinned Ryota to the ground and were kicking him in the stomach until he vomited blood. No, you couldn't let this happen. Your amber eyes flashed dangerously as whipped around and drove your two fingers towards his eyes. With one strike, you killed that boy. Not that anyone remembered. Once the government had found out, they took away everyone's memories but your own. Any witness who was there that day would've said that Ryota had gotten beaten up as you ran away from the bullies. After the incident, the government had wanted you to work for the prime minister as a personal assassin, but you declined. You suddenly remembered your caretaker tell you that Ryota was attending Hope's Peak with you. Taking a deep breath, you walked up towards him. "Hello Ryota." He turned around, confused at first. "Hey, Y/N, I haven't seen you for about six years. Oh, by the way, how are you?" he replied happily. "Wh-what? aren't you mad at me?" "Of course not! After all we were just kids back then. Also, if it hadn't been for those jerks, I never would've been saved by anime." "t wasn't anime that saved you, it was me you idiot," you screamed inside your head.

---10 Minute Time Skip---

"Hello everybody! I'm Y/N L/N, the SHSL philosopher," you said, smiling to everyone in your class. When you sat back down, a girl in a kimono with pigtails hissed into your ear, " I can't believe the school would want nasty, trashy pigshits like you to attend." "Wow. For such a small person, you contain a large amount of bitchiness." Class was over soon, as was your first day at Hope's Peak academy trying not to kill anyone.

---Time Skip to aphrodisiac scene---

You were running down the corridor, the aphrodisiacs clouding your mind. You made a turn and leapt into the nearest room. "Y/N, what are you doing here," someone asked. You instinctively reached for a knife in your pocket that you had forgotten. The voice stepped out of the shadowy corner in the room. It was Ryota. "Y/N, are you OK," he asked tugging at your arm. "Please, don't touch me." Your eyes suddenly welled up with tears and you became extremely emotional. A moment later, you were sobbing into his chest as he stroked your hair and whispered comforting words to you. A memory flashed back of you comforting Ryota in the courtyard after the boy died. You pushed it away with all your strength. As you sat there, you realized that you loved him, and it wasn't the aphrodisiacs that were causing you to think that. But, because of the danger he would be in, you realized you had to let him go. You spent the rest of the afternoon crying into his shirt.

Dreams of Despair: Ryota Mitarai X The SHSL KillerWhere stories live. Discover now