Tropical Bliss

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You woke up on a beach, head throbbing. On your left, a boy with fluffy white hair was leaning over another boy with dark brown hair. On your right, you saw that girl from your first raid talking to that miniature yakuza. Another girl appeared in front of you. "H-hi there," she stuttered, "Are you okay," she asked, holding her hand out for you to grab on to. "It's fine," you said somewhat gruffly, "I can help myself." "S-sorry! I didn't mean that you were weak or anything! I was just trying to help!" You looked her up and down. "Bandages everywhere, purple hair. You must be an ultimate," you murmured. "Y-yeah! Ultimate nurse," she squeaked. "Cool. I'm Y/N L/N," the SHSL..." you looked down at your fiery orange and red uniform. That didn't seem like a Philosopher-y thing. "Weeb. I'm the SHSL Weeb." "Really? What does that mean?" You went on to tell her how you were originally from Beijing but you became so fascinated by Japanese culture you decided to learn the language and move here. As soon as you finished the girl piped up, "Soooo, do you want to go explore the island?" You looked at her, then looked back at that boy who appeared to have blood on his shirt. "Sure....." you trailed off. "Mikan," she said. "M-mikan Tsumiki. Sorry I didn't say so earlier." You spent the rest of the day with Mikan looking through Rocket-punch market. While you were looking through the cutlery section, the speakers crackled and the monitors turned on. "W-what the hell is this," you said, baffled at the white stuffed bunny on the screen. That white bunny reminded you of.... you cursed under your breath, plugged your ears. Mikan tapped you on the shoulder. "Y-Y/N, the teacher said we have to go to the beach." You stared at her, Mikan softly trembling. "It's fine," you said cautiously, "I'll stay here. Seems a bit fishy if you ask me." Mikan ran along, as you sat there with your head on your knees, imagine what it would be like if you decided to skip school that day. After staying there for some time, a high pitched voice crackled through the loudspeaker. "Puhuhu! What up bitches," it yelled maniacally. "All students on the island, please meet in Jabberwock park. Anyone who fails to comply will be punished. Puhuhuhu!" "Dafuq," you thought getting up. "Well, that'll be interesting."

A/N: Thank you for all the support so far, I never thought I'd get any reads. I know its a short chapter this time but there'll be more updates on the way. Anyone who says they didn't read puhuhuhu in monokuma's voice is a liar. Have a desbairing day everyone! PuHuHuHuHu! Nya!

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2018 ⏰

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