The Autumn festival Pt. 3

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Last time on Ryota Mitarai x The SHSL Killer:

---Teruteru's POV---

I was in heaven.

---Peko's POV---

"Young master, it seems as if that sake wasn't non alcoholic."

---Normal POV---

"But we-" "Yep." "And we're-" "Yep." "And I'm-" "Yes Ryota, you're no longer a virgin.

---Time Skip---

The government officials were waiting for you in your room. "Y/N L/N," your caregiver said, "We need to talk."

And now...

"Six years ago, you killed a boy with your bare hands. Normally, you'd be charged with first degree homicide, but we decided to let you off the hook instead and modify the memories of all the witnesses. You promised us that in exchange for not working as a personal assassin along with these services, you would occasionally perform a few missions for us as well as keep quiet about our actions." Oh no, you thought, Here comes the lecture. "Before we decide your punishment, please tell us one thing- what did you tell him?" "The only information I can recall telling him is that I got that scar on my back in a fight. Though I may have revealed more, considering how drunk he was, he probably didn't remember what had even happened," you replied. "Well, in that case," your caretaker said, "How hard did you hit him?" "Uh... Pretty hard, I guess," you answered. The officials left, laughing and joking. Thank god. You collapsed on your bed and breathed a sigh of relief. As you began to drift off to sleep, a loud banging on your door made you get up. "Y/N, you better open that door right now," Fuyuhiko yelled. God, what is it this time, you thought. He slammed the door open, his face bright red. "First of all, that sake you gave me and Peko wasn't non-alcoholic!" "Since when did I offer you guys sake?" "Last night!" " Sorry if I did, but, in case you couldn't tell, I was drunk as f***." "Y/N, you'll pay for this," Fuyuhiko screamed, throwing a punch at your face. Too slow. You blocked it with your arm, as if it had just been a pillow. "Fuyuhiko, belive me when I say this, if you try to mess with me, I'll make sure you'll live in a hell on earth. Got that? Now, was there anything else you wanted to say?" "Oh yeah. I ran into Ryota while trying to go to my place. He said something about needing to see you." "Wait... to your place? Does that mean you spent the night with Peko," you said teasingly. "Just shut the f*** up, ok," he yelled turning bright red. I wonder what Ryota wants to tell me, you thought as you ran down the corridor towards his room. "Hey Ryota," you said cheerfully coming into his room. "Oh, hey Y/N," he said. "So, is there anything you'd like to tell me?" "Yeah, there is. I've kinda felt this way for some time but I couldn't really tell you before. You see, I really like you and I'm just wondering if we could make this thing work." The answer escaped your mouth before you could think. "Yes."

Dreams of Despair: Ryota Mitarai X The SHSL KillerWhere stories live. Discover now