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"What did you do!"

"What did you do!"

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Stiles stood face to face with Klaus. Klaus was taller than Stiles but not tall enough to hurt Stiles neck when he looked up at him.

"Why are you here," Stiles asked. Klaus looked at him taking his time to answer.

"The spell is about to wear off," he responded. Stiles looked at him wide-eyed. 

"What happens, if you suppress it for too long," he asked. Klaus stared at him, his eyes trailed down his face. 

"It comes back stronger," Klaus responded. Stiles sighed, running a hand through his hair. 

"I know a witch, who can help get rid of it," Klaus said. Stiles stared at him. 

"Why are you helping me," Stiles asked.

Stiles had only heard bad things about Klaus. From him wanting to kill his cousin to his murderous blood trail that dates back 1000 years. So why the hell does Klaus Mikaelson want to help him. 

"My witch is waiting for you at the apartment complex," Klaus said completely avoiding the question. Stiles looked at him.

His eyes pierced through Klaus' before nodding. 

"I'll be there." 

Klaus almost reached for him but held himself back. 

One last look towards Stiles and he left. 

Stiles sighed before going back into the Salvatore home. Everyone was sitting at in the living room and had looked up when Stiles entered.

"You can't seriously trust him, Stiles," Elena protested. 

Stiles looked at her. "I'm not but he is helping me, Elena."

"In exchange for what," Stefan asked. 

"He didn't say," Stiles responded looking at him. 

Damon took a sip from his glass, which was filled with blood. "You probably should have asked," Damon commented. 

Stiles rolled his eyes. "Probably but I'm assuming he has some business with the Nogitsune," Stiles responded. 

"You think?" Damon said. "With Klaus, you shouldn't think, it'll get you killed." Stiles stared at him as Daon glared at him. 

"I know but its either Klaus or Nogitsune, Damon," Stiles said. 

"Don't say that," Elena cut in, worry in her eyes. "You aren't going to die." 

Stiles sighed, laying a hand on Elena's shoulder. "I won't," he said. "We'll find a way." 

Anyone who could hear his heartbeat knew that he was lying. Stiles didn't believe that. He was in too deep and he didn't see a future in which he lived. He was hopeless. 

But he still had will and he still had fight.


The moment Stiles walked through the door, the witch had gotten up from her spot on the couch. Klaus was lending against the wall with a drink in his hand. 

"You had decided to finally show up," he said looking at Stiles. 

Stiles stared at him but didn't say anything back. 

Klaus nodded at the witch to begin. 

Stiles stood at the center looking at the witch in front of him in curiosity. She started to chant making Stiles feel a sort of pull.  

"Stiles" it hissed. "Stiless."

Stiles took a gasping breath.

"You can't beat me, Stiles. YOU CAN'T BEAT ME. GIVE UP" It shouted in anger.

Stiles suddenly couldn't breathe. He gripped his throat as he fell onto his knees. The chanting had become distant.

"You think some vampire can help you. You think Klaus Mikaelson is helping you out of the kindness of his heart. WAKE UP AND SMELL THE BETRAYAL, STILES." It shouted. Stiles could hear it breathing heavily. Static could be heard in the silence. "Elena is going to die. Damon is going to die. Caroline is going to die. Everyone you've ever considered a friend is going to die and when I'm done with them, I'm gonna kill Scott. IM GONNA KILL THEM ALL AND MAKE YOU WISH YOU HAVEN'T PUSHED BACK"

Stiles shouted in pain. That pounding in his head only getting stronger. The stench of death and blood filling his nose. The witch had to stop chanting when Klaus shouted at her to stop.

"What did you do!" Klaus demanded as he held her by the throat.

She gasped trying to get the words out. "It's fighting back," she gasped. Klaus growled in anger, slamming her to the wall, knocking her unconscious.

He turned around to see Stiles clawing his forearm. It was one way to draw the attention of the pain in his head to something physical, something fixable. Klaus rushed over, holding Stiles up as he could no longer hold himself up. Klaus gripped Stiles' hand tightly, trying to get into his head. He hissed in pain when he was being pushed out but he had walked the earth 1000 years meaning while both the fox and the hybrid were the same age, Klaus was stronger.

Blood poured out from Stiles' ears and nose. His eyes tightly shut in pain. Having two 1000-year-old supernaturals in his head wasn't much a human could handle but even Stiles had started to wonder if he was still human.

Stiles could feel Klaus in his head and it was more comforting than the darkness in him. So he held onto that, gripping tightly. As tightly as you would when you were suspended in the air with only a metal bar holding you.

Stiles was afraid. The Nogitsune and the hybrid could both feel it but while one thrived on it, the other held on.

Stiles suddenly shouted.




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