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Stiles fell back only to be caught by the vampire himself. Stiles gasped for air, trying to steady his breathing enough so that his heart could calm down.

Klaus looked down at him with a surprised look on his face. Stiles' face was scrunched up in pain, his hands curled up in fists. Finally, Stiles sat up, the pain is so unbearable that he felt the need to move. Klaus gripped his shoulder.

"Stiles'," he mumbled. He opened his mouth to talk before closing it when he had seen the bright lights under his sleeves, that was crawling from Stiles' hands up his forearms.

"Stiles'," Klaus said shaking him. Stiles pushed his hands away feeling suffocated by them but Klaus was consistent as he gripped Stiles' shoulder and held Stiles' face tightly in his hand turning it to face him. "Stiles, you need to calm down," he hissed.

Stiles started to shake himself almost like he was shaking Klaus off him. Everything was disoriented. Stiles felt like so many hands were reaching out towards him and all he wanted was to shake them off.

He couldn't comprehend where he was at and who he was with. Just that the voice in his head was screaming. The lights intensified and before Klaus need it, the sleeves of Stiles shirt were being burned. Klaus stopped for a moment staring in awe as the sleeve began from the top to the bottom burning apart to reveal darkness blackened veins that seem to be holding lightning in them.

Stiles slowly began to loosen up. Starting from his shoulders to his hands. He looked ahead, starting at nothing. 

"Stiles," Klaus asked.

Stiles didn't move, nor did he make a sound. It was as if he was too tired to speak, too tired to move or even think.

But Stiles forced himself to look at the hybrid. "Help me," he mumbled softly.

Klaus stared at him for just a moment. Stiles was just an exterior, hollowed out like a porcelain doll. He had seen to turn paler by the minute, there wasn't anymore fight in him but the demon like creature in him couldn't win.

Klaus picked the almost lifeless boy, one arm under his back and the other underneath his legs before placing him on the couch.

The witch laid across the room, groaning in pain from the open wound on her hairline. Klaus placed a hand on Stiles' face. Too gentle to know that of a murderous hybrid.

Klaus walked towards his locked drawer, picking up the same spell that put him to sleep once upon a time before taking threatening steps towards the women, picking her up by the arm. She whimpered in pain. "Do it, now," he growled at as he harshly pushed the paper towards her.

She breathed out as he let her go, walking back towards the motionless boy. Klaus took Stiles hand in his, gripping it tightly. "Klaus," he whispered softly.

Right now, Stiles couldn't think, couldn't understand where the gentle touch in the soon to be hybrid came from but nevertheless, he accepted.

The witch inched closer to the two, fear filling her vein. She looked down at the paper before completely freezing in terror. The spell in her hands was powerful, too powerful for her own good but she had to do it. If she refused, Klaus will not give her mercy. She knew that.

Stiles closed his eyes, feeling Klaus lips pressed against his forehead. Klaus had lost him once, he'll be stupid if he had lost him again. Petrova blood runs through him.

Klaus stood up, stepping back. "Do it right and I'll rethink killing you," He hissed.

The witch nodded obediently before beginning to set up the necessary items to complete the spell.

She began chanting the words on the paper that seem to be hundreds of years old. The spell itself started to manifest in Stiles.

Stiles felt the weight on his chest, his breath beginning to feel as if it was being trapped in his lungs. He began to struggle, trying desperately to fill his chest. Klaus kneeled down next to him, gripping his hand with one of his while the other gently rubbed against Stiles' cheek. The pad of his thumb rubbing the almost colorless skin gently.

"It's okay," Klaus whispered.

Stiles let the feeling in his chest drive him to a seemingly endless sleep. 



Single dream began to form, almost like puzzles piecing together to create something else, something bigger.

Stiles felt the grass beneath him, tickling the uncovered skin. It was wet and prickly but with the sun in his face, he felt more alive than he had ever felt.

Suddenly terrifying feeling that he had started over, filled him. Like he hadn't moved, just dreamed of meeting Klaus or reunion with his friends and family. He sat up almost messily, trying to catch himself when his hand slipped against the grass. He couldn't have dreamed that. He couldn't have.

Stiles looked around, the trees were bright and healthy. It's colors almost blindly. The red and orange filling his view. He looked around, seeing a house across the lake. It was warm but not to warm that it made his sweat. Ever so often a breeze of wind would pass making Stiles stop to feel it because never had a breeze felt so heavenly.

"Stiles," he heard.

Stiles turned around to find the youngest Mikealson standing there, staring at him. Stiles gripped his head, not feeling the weight he ha tod learn to bare.

"What the hell did you do?!"


Motivation for this story is hard to come by but I have a plan.

Since I don't watch the vampire diaries and the only reason I had watched it for so long was because of the mikealsons, I decided to move it along to the originals but before I can do that Klaus needs to become a hybrid and the events that happened on TVD need to happen. So in the mean time, Stiles is put to sleep. Klaus will visit and the mystic falls group will fight to get him back but....

You'll see in time.


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